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Being on Team takes commitment. Our Team Code of Conduct is part of our church’s commitment to ensuring our duty of care to all people, and also fulfills our insurance obligations, health and safety, and other requirements for volunteers. If you are under 18, please review and complete this form with your parent or guardian.

This Code of Conduct is a statement of our commitment to God, integrity and the highest ethical standards. This Code defines the standards of conduct that we expect from all volunteers, and guides us in making the best decisions when working for or performing services on behalf of Hillsong Church (the “Church”). Every volunteer (on “Team”) is responsible for reading, understanding and abiding by the Code. While you are on Team at Hillsong Church you agree to the following:


Hillsong Church is committed to serving God and the community. All Church attendees are encouraged to serve, however, those who serve must do so with an attitude that is pleasing to God. Jesus modeled the ideal attitude towards serving in John 13:3-14.

All Hillsong Church Team must implement the shared vision, values and mission of Hillsong Church by 1) Living By Christian Standards 2) Safeguarding Confidential Information and 3) Speaking Up to report concerns or misconduct that could damage the people, reputation or legal standing of the Church.

1) Living By Christian Standards (1Tim 3:1-13)

Church Team have an obligation to:

– Act with integrity in accordance with the principles of the Bible.
– Treat others fairly.
– Work collaboratively with Team and Church Leaders to execute the Church’s mission.
– Make ethical and informed decisions.
– Live with sexual purity. Sexuality is a gift from God and must be exercised within the bounds of marriage as defined by Jesus.¹
– Avoid the use of offensive language (e.g. vulgarities, sexual connotations, and racial or religious slurs).
– Exercise caution with all potentially addictive behaviors and/or harmful substances.
– Refrain from using any illicit substances.
– Use caution when initiating or receiving physical contact with those they serve, including gestures of comfort.
– Such gestures can be unwanted or misinterpreted.
– Communicate with integrity. This includes the use of electronic communication, which will be used wisely and never inappropriately.
– Acknowledge when they do not possess the required skill set in a situation and seek help from a Church Leader.
– This includes helping those who are survivors of abuse or require professional evaluation.
– Take personal responsibility for individual actions.
– Disclose professional or personal activities, situations or relationships, also known as “conflicts of interest,” that may suggest the appearance of unfairness, impropriety or bias.
– Have integrity in their financial dealings. They must not seek financial gain from their role on Team.


2) Safeguarding Confidential² Information

Church Team have an obligation to:

– Protect confidential information learned, accessed, developed or created while on Team.
– Transmit confidential information only to authorized parties on Team on a “need to know” basis only.
– Report incidents that may have resulted in the disclosure, theft or acquisition of confidential information by an unauthorized third party to a Team Leader, Key Leader or [email protected].
– Not entertain destructive gossip.

3) Speaking Up

Church Team have an obligation to:

– Report instances of misconduct that are not aligned with the principles of this Code or the mission of the Church to their direct Team Leader or [email protected].
– Take action to report genuine, immediate concern for the health, wellbeing or safety of any person at risk due to their involvement in the Church, directly to a member of the Church Key or Executive Leadership Team or [email protected].

Additional Considerations

1) Communications with the Public

We take statements made to the public about and on behalf of Hillsong Church very seriously as such statements impact our reputation in the community and the world. To that end, all on Team are prohibited from providing, creating, submitting or facilitating the creation or submission of any statements on behalf of Hillsong Church to the public for dissemination in any manner, without the prior written consent of Hillsong Church.


Compliance with the Code is a condition for being on Team. Upon review of the relevant circumstances by the Church’s Executive Pastoral Team, Church Team who violate this Code may be subject to removal from their role on Team and/or criminal penalties where applicable.


I have read and understood the Hillsong Code of Conduct, and agree to abide by its principles. I agree and understand that:

I will receive experience and training while I am volunteering.

I am not an employee of Hillsong Church and, as such, am not entitled to receive a salary, wages or any other compensation or expense reimbursement from the Church.

I am signing this attestation in good faith and declare that any information disclosed during my discussions to become a volunteer are true and accurate.

Other than those matters disclosed by me to the Church at the time of signing this attestation, I have no criminal convictions or civil judgments that reflect negatively upon my fitness to be on Team (including misdemeanors, felonies or civil suits related to financial debts owed if my service will include the handling of Church finances).

I am able to carry out all Team activities safely and if I require any special assistance due to personal reasons, whether health related or otherwise, I will communicate these needs directly to my Team Leader.

I will respect the decision of my Church as to where I volunteer my services within the Church, and whether my services are required.

A Team Leader will be available to me to discuss my service.

I may voluntarily choose to participate in activities that are physical in nature. I understand that while some training may be provided by Hillsong Church regarding these activities, it is my responsibility to consult a physician prior participating in such activities and to educate myself about the safest way to participate in such activities to avoid injury.

¹See Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9 using both Genesis 1:26-27 and Genesis 2:24.

²Confidential information is information you acquire by virtue of being on Team with the Church that is not known to the public and includes, but is not limited to, information that, if disclosed, could result in legal, regulatory or reputational harm to the Church or other Team members. It also includes, but is not limited to, information regarding the Church’s internal business operations that you may acquire during, or as a result of, your tenure on Team.