We are committed to seeing you live your fullest, best life that God has created you uniquely for.
"... I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
- Jesus (John 10:10)
in Jesus Christ and the plans He has for you.
If you have made a decision to follow Jesus, CONGRATULATIONS! We would love to send you an email explaining more about your decision to become a Christian.
to a community.
You were never meant to do this life alone; community has been God’s design for our life from the beginning. Connect Groups help make sure that not only do you know others, but that you are known and cared for. We would love for you to join us at one of our groups meeting throughout the week in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, or Boston. You can search for a Connect Group near you by using the Connect Group Search below, coming to the Welcome Lounge after any service across all our locations, or by joining us at Growth Track.
all that God has created you to be.
Join us for Growth Track, a four-week series that you can start at any time.
Session 1 Hear the story of our church, be introduced to our leadership team and learn more about what we believe as a church. You will also hear about the foundations of your Christian faith and be given some tools to help you grow in your own journey.
Session 2 Find out how to get into a Connect Group and truly experience a close community. You will also hear about other connection points our church has, and the heart of why we serve and how you can help build the church.
Session 3 Learn more about how your unique personality and passions help you discover your God-given purpose. We will be sharing with you about all the different teams that our church has and help you find a great fit for all God has called you to!
Session 4 Choose a team you would like to learn more about and meet with one of the team’s leaders. In this time, you will get all the important information for being on the team, trained in your role and given your next steps to begin building the church.
the local church.
Growth Track will help you discover how to utilize your unique gifts, personality and skills to build the local church. It might be helping on a Sunday or with a midweek service, becoming a Hillsong Partner, or leading a connect group – there are a variety of ways to be on Team here at Hillsong, and there is a place for you!