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Partners of the Vision


What is a Kingdom Builder?

Kingdom Builders are the financial leaders within Hillsong Church. With a conviction to advance the Kingdom of God on the earth through their generosity, our Kingdom Builders make an annual commitment to contribute 5,000€/CHF or more to our Partners of the Vision initiative.

The Kingdom Builder Experience.

Our Kingdom Builders gather for supper and breakfast events throughout the year, and an annual retreat in the Hunter Valley. On a local level, Kingdom Builders are often leading in the areas of Connect Groups, Business Groups and local gatherings at their campus.



Sharing from his own journey of living an “all in” life, and telling the inspiring story of how Kingdom Builders first started within Hillsong Church, Andrew Denton will encourage and challenge you to take bold, wise steps of faith that will lead you on a path beyond your wildest dreams.


Yannick & Florence
(Massy Campus)

Even before our wedding, Florence and I were both on the same page in regards to tithes and offerings — and we regularly experienced God's faithfulness in this regard. When "Kingdom Builders" was presented at a Heart & Soul Night, we discovered an opportunity to take another step of faith in the area of our finances.

I still remember the obedience challenge that our first commitment represented. Married with four children, our financial outlook was not very encouraging. To take you behind the scenes, you must know that we became Kingdom Builders at a time in our lives when our finances had never been so low.

However, we had the peace of God — the peace that surpasses all understanding — and we had this confidence that He would meet all of our needs and give us abundantly to be a source of blessing to those around us. Also, we were convinced that our place was to be part of this group of people who are faithfully committed to helping build the Kingdom of God.

In the years that followed, our heart as Kingdom Builders continued to grow — as did our contributions. In this adventure, three actions have become very precious to us: the use of faith, obedience and constant reference to His Word, the source of His promises.

Our giving is planned over several years. Our faith remains challenged, because in practice we do not necessarily know the "how" to achieve these goals. But our God is faithful: It it He who gives the seed to the sower (2 Corinthians 9:10). So as we wait on Him, He will continue to provide.

Andromeda's Story
(Online Campus)

Growing up in the UK, our parents would give us 50p to put in the offering at church — and that’s not such a bad thing. But Kingdom Builders has taught me that there’s so much more. My tithe belongs to God, but He’s also worthy of more. He deserves my best.

At Hillsong, we’re privileged to have many volunteers who give their time and energy to see Church go forward, myself included. But Kingdom Builders gets down to the nuts and bolts. We get to lean in and be inspired by our pastors' vision and put our hands to work. It takes money to rent or buy a venue, to pay staff, to bless the homeless or to produce online services!

When I joined Kingdom Builders, I was just out of fashion school with debts up to my eyeballs (thankfully we believe in equal sacrifice, not equal giving!). I was able to sit alongside businessmen and women — entrepreneurs for the Kingdom — and learn from their wisdom and gifting.

Just a few years ago, I paid off all my loans and credit cards, and today I have more in savings than I ever had in debt! Without God and His grace, without the incredible community and speakers at Kingdom Builders faithfully sowing into my life, I’d still be scraping by!

So, I just want to say: start where you are. Nothing is impossible for God. "The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller." (Proverbs 11:24)

(Paris Campus)

I love my church, and all that it represents for me: community, culture, an understanding of the Word of God, encouragement, joy… and I want others to experience this same blessing I receive.

My heart and desire is that through this offering, my church may live out its mission statement to "reach and influence the world" by reaching further and reaching more people.

Kingdom Builders is one way for me to contribute to this mission by giving practically to the church.

"Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out your home, and spare no expense! For you will soon be bursting at the seams. Your descendants will occupy other nations and resettle the ruined cities."

Isaiah 54:2-3 NLT



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