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Welcome to the beautiful season of HEART FOR THE MISSION 2024!

This season has always been a strategic time to be faithful, but also faith-filled in stewarding the extraordinary vision we have to reach the French-speaking world. To see a magnificent revival unfold as we seek Him and serve His principles in our generation.

This year we’re putting our mission at the heart of our motivation: to build healthy communities, develop disciples of Jesus who carry the call, and create a significant and lasting social impact.

At the beginning of 2022, we declared “The Year of the Lord’s Favour” over our church; prophetic words first spoken by Isaiah and again by Jesus seven centuries later as the fulfilment of this prophecy.

But what does it mean to have God’s favour on us? The Year of the Lord’s favour is also known as Jubilee. When Israel celebrated Jubilee, they looked back on God’s faithfulness and forward to a time of fruitfulness. Jubilee represents FREEDOM from bondage, FORGIVENESS of debts, RESTORATION and rest. This is foundational to health and wellbeing because just as John prayed, God wants His people to prosper and be in health from a soul that is prospering. This is especially true for our church as we collectively navigate the present season, with the goal to build a healthy church, by building healthy people whose foundation is Jesus!

It is with this in mind that we approach our Heart For The House Miracle Offering, with a sense of expectancy and vision for the future, continuing with the call to build the church for future generations. As we navigate this season of change, it’s good to remind ourselves that the foundations upon which Hillsong Church is established remain unchanged. Our purpose as a church remains the same. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) is to go into all the world with His message as we continue loving God, and loving people.

Heart For The House is a special time for our church. It’s the time once a year when everyone who calls Hillsong Church home has the opportunity to bring a sacrificial offering, above
our regular tithes and offerings, that enables the vision of our church to become a reality. Ultimately our contribution to Heart For The House helps our church outwork the message of Jesus and advance His kingdom across the earth.

So, as you put the season of a Heart for Mission back into prayer this year, we want to encourage you to declare Psalm 24:7 for God to open the eternal gates and for the King of Glory to make His entrance, filling the House with His Presence, in Jesus’ Name!

Make the most of this season and all that God will stir in our hearts.

With love,
Brendan & Camille White
Senior Pastors – Hillsong France, Geneva and Luxembourg

Lift up your heads, you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.

Psalms 24:7 5


Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to take part in this offering. Giving is more about definitively expressing a desire and passion to build God’s House and His Kingdom, rather than the amount.


Please take time to pray and ask God to show you what you could bring.


Set a faith goal, write it down and hang it in a place where you can see it. This will remind you to pray and encourage you meet your goal.


Join us on the 10th of November for Our Heart For The Mission Sunday, and give full of faith, for God will use your offering to build His Kingdom. You can also give online up into the end of the year.



Giving online is quick , easy and secure. After selecting your campus, choose 'Un Cœur Pour La Mission' from the dropdown menu.


Download the Hillsong Giving app and select your location. Be sure to choose 'Heart For The House' from the drop down giving options.

Apple App Store
Google Play Store


Heart for the House giving envelopes will be available in Church for cash, cheques or card giving. For more information you can contact our team on 1300 53 53 53 or email [email protected].


For BPay details login to MyHillsong.com. For direct deposit details contact our team on 1300 53 53 53 or email [email protected].
To give by cheque, please make tax deductible cheques payable to Hillsong Foundation. For non-tax deductible giving, make cheques payable to Hillsong Church. Cheques can be posted to Hillsong Church – Heart for the House / PO Box 1195 / Castle Hill NSW 1765.