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Welcome to the beautiful season of HEART FOR THE MISSION 2024!

This season has always been a strategic time to be faithful, but also faith-filled in stewarding the extraordinary vision we have to reach the French-speaking world. To see a magnificent revival unfold as we seek Him and serve His principles in our generation.

This year we’re putting our mission at the heart of our motivation: to build healthy communities, develop disciples of Jesus who carry the call, and create a significant and lasting social impact.

Hello Church,

This season has always been a defining one, uniting us and inviting us to move forward in God’s pursuit, and to forge the future He gives us together as a church. Once a year, we gather to bring a special offering that allows us to invest in the future of our church and be a blessing to those in need.

This year, the theme in our hearts is “Gates”.
We often think of all the doors in the natural world that lie before us; of different sizes and shapes, new and old, that allow us to enter so many different places. It’s the same in the spiritual realm. There are various doors in front of us in life; some known, some unknown; some challenging, some less so; but God calls us to walk through them with courage.
Today we have good news: God has declared that He opens and no one can close, He closes and no one can open. It is God who opens and closes the doors before us and this year we pray, we seek God, and we believe in Him for doors of opportunity, doors to see and experience miracles, and open doors to divine provision.

As a church, there are doors we’re going to walk through. Doors to influence and enter new places and new initiatives. There are also gates we’ve passed through, and we need to strengthen ourselves and remain faithful to see God’s work continually installed.

So, as you put the season of a Heart for Mission back into prayer this year, we want to encourage you to declare Psalm 24:7 for God to open the eternal gates and for the King of Glory to make His entrance, filling the House with His Presence, in Jesus’ Name!

Make the most of this season and all that God will stir in our hearts.

With love,
Brendan & Camille White
Senior Pastors – Hillsong France, Geneva and Luxembourg

Lift up your heads, you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.

Psalms 24:7 5


Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to take part in this offering. Giving is more about definitively expressing a desire and passion to build God’s House and His Kingdom, rather than the amount.


Please take time to pray and ask God to show you what you could bring.


Set a faith goal, write it down and hang it in a place where you can see it. This will remind you to pray and encourage you meet your goal.


Join us on the 10th of November for Our Heart For The Mission Sunday, and give full of faith, for God will use your offering to build His Kingdom. You can also give online up into the end of the year.



Giving online is quick , easy and secure. After selecting your campus, choose 'Un Cœur Pour La Mission' from the dropdown menu.

Hillsong Give

Download the Hillsong Giving app and select your location. Be sure to choose 'Un Cœur Pour La Mission' from the drop down giving options.

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

Bank transfer

You can give via Bank Transfer. For your campus' banking details, visit or Make sure to include 'HFTM' or 'Heart For The Mission' in the memo field.

Other means

For other ways to give, contact our team.
- In France and Luxembourg:
[email protected]
+33 (0)9 74 77 75 75
- In Switzerland:
[email protected]
+41 22 810 85 97