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Prayer & Fasting

Jan 9 2023 | AMS, RTM, BXL

Maaf, entri ini hanya tersedia di Inggris (A.s.).

As a church, we will do a 21-day fast (from 9-29 January) to bring focus to Jesus at the start of the year. During these three weeks we give up something and instead take time to pray and focus on God.

Morning Prayer Meeting

Every weekday from 7:00 – 7:45 Ps. Richard and Debbie will do a prayer meeting on Zoom. You are welcome to join! Email us at [email protected] for the Zoom link.

What to fast?
It is up to you what you would like to (and are able to) fast.

A possible fast to do is the Daniel fast, which is based on the food diet of Daniel in the Bible. It is a plant-based, unprocessed food diet where vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts and seeds, herbs and water are allowed.

You can also do a fast by giving up something like candy, coffee, Netflix, social media, gaming…