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Heart for the House

Jun 11 2023 | All campuses

God’s house has made a different impact on all our lives. We were moved by it and prompted to play our part in building it. God called every one of us personally. What is it that gets you so excited about building church? What is your heart for His house? What has God been doing in your life that makes you want everyone else to experience this too?

Heart for the House is a sacrificial annual offering we bring collectively over and above tithes and offerings to expand the mission, vision, and reach of Hillsong Church and maximise the opportunities God has put before us, ultimately to make Jesus known.

The H4H offering goes towards strengthening our existing campuses and taking steps toward owning a building, and the support of Vision Rescue, A21 and Compassion .

Although we are currently not meeting in a church building, who we are as a church and our mission to expand the Kingdom has not changed a bit. We are believing that God will use this season for good and that eventually it will make the church stronger. We are believing that we will reach new people online who we will physically meet later as part of our church family.

Therefore, we want to prepare for that moment and make room for more people to walk through the doors of our buildings once we can meet physically again.

When is Heart for the House?
On Sunday 14 June

How to give?
You can give by bank transfer.

Can I get a tax return?

Yes. Stichting Hillsong Church has ANBI status for tax benefits on your giving if you are a Dutch taxpayer.