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Northern NSW Flood Response Update

Due to the devastating second flooding in a month, the emotional well-being and morale throughout the Northern NSW region and community is at an all-time low. Our Gold Coast and Sydney Hillsong CityCare teams and volunteers have been mobilised and are actively serving on the frontline in partnership with first responders, non-for-profit organisations and local churches to aid the rescue and road to recovery.

Our church community’s generosity towards the Kilo of Kindness initiative has enabled CityCare to provide emergency food relief and basic essentials to these communities through our community partners on the ground.

Our support, provision and engagement have included to date:

  • We have provided 70,000 food, cleaning and hygiene products
  • This equates to approximately 75,000 meals
  • We have partnered with Givit in assisting the immediate efforts on the ground within flood-affected regions across NSW and QLD
  • Our CityCare teams and volunteers have been in Lismore over the past few weeks to assist in the mud out and cleanup process, whilst also serving in the local Foodbank
  • To keep spirits up in this region, our Citycare teams and volunteers have provided Sausage Sizzles, Coffee and Pancakes to those in the community

This coming week, our Citycare team and volunteering efforts will include:

  • Driving our CityCare mobile café and BBQ Cart to key locations throughout the community
  • Re-directing our people who are labourers, have trade skills and equipment to support the rebuilding process
  • Enabling our community connectors and chaplains to lend an ear to the locals and bring encouragement to those on the frontline

Thank you to our CityCare teams and volunteers for your efforts and care in supporting our flood-affected communities in NSW and QLD. For those who wish to provide a donation and support our Kilo of Kindness campaign, it will continue right up until Easter.