Encontre uma Igreja Hillsong perto de você
It looks like location services are turned off. Enable location services in your settings to use your current location, or type your address in the search bar.
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Please refer to this link for Mac-based computer instructions: https://hillsong.com/it-macvpn/

1. Using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, navigate to https://remote.hillsong.com

2. Enter your username and password when prompted and click Login.

3. You will receive the prompt below and automatic installation should start. Click Windows Desktop if the automatic installation does not start.

4. Double click on the installation program to install Cisco AnyConnect.
NOTE: If you already have the software install, you will be presented with the warning below. Click OK and Finish to close installation. Please contact IT Service Desk if you are prompted for Administrator log in credentials.

5. Follow through the installation process until completed. Proceed to logging in steps below.

NOTE: You will received the warning below if you already have the Cisco AnyConnect VPN installed on your computer.
Click OK and close the installation process and proceed to logging in steps below.

Logging In

1. Open Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client from the Windows Start Menu.

2. Ensure the VPN box contains remote.hillsong.com and click Connect.

3. Enter your Okta Username and Okta Password on the relevant boxes.
Your username is the the first bit of your email address before the ‘@’ symbol. Click Connect

3. You will be presented with the screen below if you have successfully connected.

Note: You will receive an error below if there are multiple people logged into your computer.
Shut down and restart your computer if you receive this error.