“I am not of this world… But I am meant to pray for this world.” ?
The theme of exile is carried throughout the Bible. In the New Testament, those who come to faith in Christ are repeatedly reminded that we will never feel at home in this world, as Heaven is our home.
Things to remember this week
- “I am not conforming to the patterns of this world.. But in the mean time, I will bring heaven to earth by praying for His Kingdom to come.”
- Take a moment to pray the Lord’s prayer and meditate on it this week.
Scripture Readings
2 Chron 36:14-16, 19-23
Ps 137:1-6
Eph 2:4-10
John 3:14-21
Prayer Focus
Both individually and as the collective Church, we are praying for our world and those experiencing hurt and brokenness that is present on this side of eternity.