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Truth Baby Truth – A Series of Conversations: A celebration of the heritage and stories of the women who make up our Sisterhood. Each discussion seeks to tell a story that paints a full picture of the depth and nuance that makes up who are. There is an intersection between culture and faith, and that intersection – the overlap in the Venn diagram – is who we are, as people. This conversation seeks to unpack some of those dynamics, and to bring about healing, transparency and understanding in our Sisterhood.

As a Sisterhood, and as a Church, we want to make sure your needs are met during these days of COVID-19 and self-quarantine. We care about you, sis, and are concerned for you.
We are also a company of women who come together to encourage, have compassion and make a way for others to experience the goodness found in Jesus. We have an amazing opportunity to give and do beautiful works as expressions of love even in these days of self-distancing.


Hey sis, we love you and value gathering together as a Sisterhood. Sisterhood Virtual Services will be starting soon, stay tuned!

Colour USA 2020 is postponed until 2021. Your registration will automatically transfer to next year, Colour 2021. Please check your email for a personal message from Bobbie, more details and an invitation to your online experience of Colour 2020 from Sydney, Australia.

In this complex time we have an opportunity now, more than ever, to be the Sisterhood. Whether you are self-distancing or continuing to be found in your office space, we can pick up once again our call to prayer. As Pastor Bobbie has said many times, we can allow prayer to do the heavy lifting. And we can’t think of a more appropriate time to do just that. So join us across the East Coast by setting your alarm for 12:00PM every day to pray for our world amid the chaos of COVID-19. The word of God reminds us in James 5:16 that, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” So let’s get to it girls. Let us unite in prayer and ask God for healing, medical breakthrough, peace, wisdom and miracles. Amen.



As a woman living in the wild days of 2020, it can feel like the stories of women in the Bible are too far out of reach. But now, more than ever, is the time in which we should press in to all they have seen, heard and experienced. Through their stories, God has shown us the way in which he empowers and equips women to persevere and step into their calling. With strength and character these women have navigated some of life’s most difficult situations and by the grace of God, they found their footing to rise like beauty from the ashes. As our Sisterhood looks closely at their stories this year we will glean from the ways in which their triumphs can become our triumphs. Join us in 2020 as we draw from HERstory.

“Some of the most courageous, funny, brave, and faithful women in history, Bible women speak through the centuries with their words and the witness of their lives to guide and instruct our hearts. Their words are part of God’s word, the Bible, for a reason. Their stories are meant for us.”

-Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter by Lindsay Hardin Freeman

Sisterhood East Coast is a company of everyday women placing value upon womanhood with a heart to impact our cities and our world. We gather together at monthly services, weekly Connect Groups, and Sunday Church, where we embolden and equip each other to walk confidently into every sphere of life.

What We're Part Of

Connect Groups

Connect Groups

Connect groups are the heartbeat of who we are as a church, and that includes Sisterhood. We believe you aren't meant to do this life alone! Click to search for a group near you or come meet our team in the Welcome Lounge after any of our services!

Weekend Services

Weekend Services

Sisterhood is part of Hillsong Church, so that’s exactly where you’ll find us on a Sunday. Click here to find a campus near you!

Colour Conference

Colour Conference

Color Conference is where we gather our girls to lean in and learn from our Co-Global Senior Pastor, Bobbie Houston. It’s our biggest Sisterhood event of the year, you don’t want to miss this!

Sisterhood East Coast

Sisterhood East Coast

Click here for the latest from our East Coast team!

Bobbie Houston

Bobbie Houston

Click here for the latest from our Co-Global Senior Pastor, Bobbie Houston!


I AM SISTERHOOD is a declaration.

A declaration that is bold and strong, quiet and confident.

A declaration about value and identity, purpose and mission.

It is a declaration intentional in reach and embrace.

It transcends culture and creed, age and status, prejudice and preference.