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Sisterhood Causes

As girls we believe we can make a huge difference. Through our local and global Sisterhood Causes we can be a blessing to our community and help change the World. Below are some of the initiatives we as a Sisterhood are taking on. Why don’t you see how you can be involved in making a difference in our nation.

Shine places value on women from all walks of life and encourages them to know and understand their value, strength and purpose.

Loving and placing value on the elderly.

Knitting for a cause.

Grow is an 8-week early childhood development course.

Human trafficking is modern day slavery. Taking a stand against slavery and making a difference by speaking up.

Let's Pray

Let’s join together in prayer and as our Global Senior Pastor, Ps. Bobbie Houston, says: “Let prayer do the heavy lifting!”

Family +1 is our amazing program and cause that helps families care for children and helps with the process thereof.

WAR is a war against rape cause that stands up for those who have been or are rape victims.

Everyone matters. We truly want to place value on the women in our local prisons.

We want to love on and support our local police stations through prayer and practical support.

We as a sisterhood really want to place value and dignity with those in need.

Our READ initiative aims to combat the high rate of illiteracy in South Africa and empower children to be all they are called to be.

Domestic Violence takes on many forms including physical and emotional abuse. We aim to come alongside victims, helping them on the road to recovery and restoration.

If there is a cause you'd like to get behind or maybe you have a cause you are passionate about, we would love to hear from you!

Email us: [email protected]