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Dear Friend,

Welcome to this page! We’re excited that you’re here.

We often talk about our vision to build a church that will help build nations. This vision is already gaining momentum in many diverse and miraculous ways. It is outworked when we reach more people with the hope of Jesus, lift up lives and build each other up, so that, together, we may transform our cities, our nations and this well-loved continent of Africa.

The story of Hillsong Africa is only beginning. Our giving is one way in which we partner with God in the good work of building healthy church communities, developing purpose-filled Jesus followers, and creating avenues of significant and sustainable social impact.

This is the mission of our church, and the practical outworking of our vision to build a church that will help build nations.

Thank you for leaning into this incredible vision that God has given us for our church. Something truly significant happens when faithful men and women give sacrificially, over and above their normal tithes and offerings.

We trust this page will answer your questions about what it means to be part of this ministry of giving, and we look forward to partnering with you and your family.
We have the privilege of crafting change, shaping the future and building a lasting and eternal legacy.

Love and blessings,

Phil & Lucinda Dooley
Hillsong Global Senior Pastors


Establishing the Church across Africa

Kingdom Builders & Vision Impactors are a community of people with a strong conviction to advance the Kingdom of God on earth through financing the Church’s work. These individuals aren’t necessarily wealthy people, but they are generous people who are living for something greater than themselves, and have a passion to see the Church take its place of influence in society today. A people with a vision to build a church that will build our communities, our cities, our nation and our continent.


Once prayerfully considering your commitment, please see the giving requirements below

Kingdom Builders: A minimum commitment of R20 000 a year (which includes your Heart for the House offering). This is a monthly commitment of R1667.

Vision Impactors: A minimum commitment of R5000 – R19 000 a year (which includes your Heart for the House offering). This is a monthly commitment of R417 – R1584.


Here are some great resources that we hope will bless your life. Find the previous Investment Nights on YouTube and other resources too.


Collectively our giving goes towards the work of the ministry of Hillsong Africa. Our church has a heart to see impact in your local community, our cities, our nation and continent. Our total giving through KB&VI has been significant. Praise God for faithful people committed to see the work of God move forward.

Our Local Impact Projects are identifying a project/endeavour at each location where we want to invest a portion of the KB&VI giving. This means that an individual giving will feel the impact of their giving in their own church family/community. Contact your location pastor or KB&VI Ambassador for your location project.

We currently have a number of projects that impact our nation. We will be updating this space with more information regarding these projects in the near future. One of these projects is the Innovation Hub. The iHub vision is to provide innovative access to opportunities that will unlock the potential of the next generation, ultimately connecting them to the local & global digital economy. The iHub student selection program is producing young leaders unlocked with healthy identities and globally-enabled job skills for the digital economy, who become productive leaders within their families and communities. Click here for more information about iHub


Want to find out more or speak to somebody about Kingdom Builders?

There are Kingdom Builders at every location across Hillsong Africa, just like you, who are passionate to support the work of the Church throughout South Africa. If you would like more information about what we do, please email [email protected] or alternatively, speak to your location pastor on Sunday at any one of our locations.

KB&VI Gatherings:
Throughout the year we have a Vision Night, Annual Retreat and Celebration Dinner that all happen through locations, so it is a perfect opportunity for you to get to know other people at your location and receive corporate investment to help your life move forward.


Commit To KB&VI:
Click here to pledge. Pledging at this link will get the process going for you to be a part of this ministry. You will also receive communication about what is happening, receive reports and updates on goals.

Tax-deductible Giving:
Your giving to KB&VI is tax deductible. You can contribute in either your personal or business capacity. SARS requires you to provide the following order for us to issue your tax certificate:
– Income tax number
– Current address
– Give into the Hillsong Africa Trust Account
– Reference your unique giving code (the team will issue this to you when you pledge)


How and when are tax certificates issued?
The tax year finishes on 28 February annually. Our Hillsong Accounts team work alongside our auditors to send out your certificate to you via the email address you have used when you committed to be a part of KB&VI. We work towards issuing all tax certificates in June of every year.

How does my giving work with regards to Heart For The House Giving?
Your HFTH giving amount can be included in your overall pledge amount. You can give once off or monthly or at HFTH, whichever way suits your family.

What if I have changed locations?
If you have changed locations recently, please pop us an email to [email protected] and let us know so we can update your details. This will ensure your giving is registered against your local location.

For more information, email
[email protected]