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Get to know the team

Meet the people that make Hillsong College a world-class institution for leadership and ministry

Lee Burns
Executive Vice President

In addition to being the Executive Vice President of Hillsong College, Lee frequents the classroom teaching a range of Vocational and Degree Classes, alongside studying towards his PhD. As a Pastor at Hillsong Church you’ll find him preaching at any one of our local or global campuses and discipling Alumni.

I believe our college is a unique environment, where values can be transformed and convictions built. Being a part of a local church, attached to a global church, provides the opportunity to think within a local context but with a global perspective. This will organically increase your capacity to believe and your perception of what’s achievable. By the end of your study at Hillsong College, you’ll be loving God, loving the Church and committed to reaching and impacting the world.

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Undergraduate & Vocational Education Training (VET)

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Prison Epistles (Diploma), Luke/Acts (Degree), along with Organisational Leadership at a staff level

  • What are your research interests?

    As a PHD candidate, I am researching Lukan Pneumatology; specifically looking at the impact of the Holy Spirit on the Pentecostal community – including within Hillsong Church.

    I am particularly interested in learning more about koinonia – which refers to the community aspect of Acts; the way the early church functioned – and whether koinonia is still true of the Pentecostal Church today

  • Academic Qualifications

    PhD (Cand.) (Alphacrucis College), MTh (Sydney College of Divinity), Bachelor of Theology (Sydney College of Divinity), Diploma in Ministry (Hillsong College) Cert IV TAE (Unity College)

Duncan Corby
General Manager

Duncan has been on staff with Hillsong College for more than two decades. As one of our senior lecturers he teaches a range of Vocational and Degree courses, alongside overseeing the academic development, partnership and excellence of Hillsong College. In addition to the pursuit of his PhD and academic duties, Duncan is highly involved as a Pastor at Hillsong Church.

Being a part of Hillsong College has changed my life. It has taught me to how to lead as well as teach, and how to do both so as to build the church and the lives of future leaders. It has enabled me to build a legacy in the lives of thousands of students from all over the world.

  • Which department do you teach in? Undergraduate & Vocational Education Training (VET)

    Undergraduate & Vocational Education Training (VET)

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Church & Ministry (Cert IV), New Testament Introduction (Cert IV), New Testament Studies (Romans) (Diploma), Apologetics (Adv Diploma), Introduction to the Bible (BTh), Romans and Galatians (BTh), The Prison Epistles (BTh), Biblical Hermeneutics (BTh)

  • What are your research interests?

    Pentecostal Hermeneutics, Pauline Pneumatology, Pauline Ethics, Religious Experience.

  • Academic Qualifications

    Bachelor of Science (University of Sydney), Masters of Theology (Practical Theology) (University of Manchester), Doctor of Philosophy (cand.) (Alphacrucis College). Assoc. Dipl. Of Ministry (IICM), Cert IV Training and Assessment (Unity)

  • Articles & Publications

    “Paul’s Teaching on Prosperity and Giving in 2 Corinthians 8 & 9” Masters Thesis
    “The Apostolic Trance” Paper delivered at Society of Pentecostal Studies 2017 Annual Meeting

  • What is your job role?

  • Background

    I have been part of Hillsong Church now for 35 year, the last 22 years on the faculty for College. Throughout this time I have held a range of leadership, ministry and teaching roles both in the church and in the College as Hillsong has grown and expanded. I have also been married to my wonderful wife Wendy for the last 30 years, and raised four wonderful sons, navigating the many seasons of life. All this means that I’ve learned how to integrate faith, family, ministry, personal, leadership and academic development, and theological enquiry, in a way that sustains growth, longevity, faithfulness and fruitfulness...and hopefully some wisdom as well.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    I am personally passionate about helping students develop a practically effective and intellectually robust approach to life, leadership and ministry. Our world is increasingly complex and challenging, yet there remain tremendous opportunities to bring the powerful and peaceful reign of Jesus to this world through his people, the church. This requires leaders who are equipped with the full range of personal, leadership and theological tools that building healthy, relevant and growing churches demands. There is no better place I can think of doing this than right in the heart and life of Hillsong Church, one of the world’s leading churches.

Dr. Chris Parkes
General Manager and Executive Dean | Australia

Chris is the Executive Dean of Hillsong College in Australia and has been a member of the faculty since 2010. In his current role, he is responsible for the Pastoral, Academic, and Operational Leadership of the College, and oversees the programs, faculty, and students. He is also one of our Senior Lecturers, teaching subjects such as Theology, Leadership, Christian Ethics, and New Testament. As well as lecturing, his time is dedicated to caring for our students, and staff development.

Our courses at Hillsong College are a unique combination of practical ministry training and theological education, designed to equip you for your God given destiny! You will experience exceptional lectures, dynamic tutorials, practical workshops, and ‘hands on’ transformational learning in the classroom, church, and community.

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and Vocational Training.

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Christian Ethics, Apologetics, Introduction to Theology, Theology and Film, Christian Worldview

  • What are your research interests?

    Christian Ethics, Moral Philosophy, Pauline Literature, Religion & Public Life

  • Academic Qualifications

    Doctor of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University (2021)
    Master of Arts, Alphacrucis University College (2013)
    Certificate IV in Training and Education, Unity College (2012)
    Bachelor of Theology, Sydney College of Divinity (2009)
    Advanced Diploma of Ministry, Hillsong College (2008)

  • Publications

    Parkes, Christopher A. (forthcoming 2025). “’Boat People’ are a ‘Wicked Problem’: The (In)Compatibility of Pluralist Political Theology and Ecclesial Hospitality.” In Lois E. Olena (ed.), I Was a Stranger and You Took Me In: Pentecostal Responses to the Refugee Crisis. Pickwick of Wipf and Stock.

    Parkes, Christopher A. (2021) “Pentecostal Ethics in Light of Stanley Hauerwas’s Account of Narrative, Virtue, and The Church.” Doctoral Dissertation. Australian Catholic University.

    Parkes, Christopher A. (2017). “The Contours of Hillsong’s Socio-Ethical Engagement.” In Tanya Riches and Tom Wagner (eds.), The Hillsong Movement Examined: You Call Me Out Upon the Waters (pp. 235–52). Palgrave Macmillan.

    ‘Boat People’ are a ‘Wicked Problem’: The (In)Compatibility of Pluralist Political Theology and Ecclesial Hospitality (2024), 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Atlanta GA, USA, 15th March 2024

    Pro-Life Post-Roe: A Pentecostal Ethic of Abortion in Light of Bernard Lonergan (2023), 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Tulsa OK, USA, 16th March 2023

    The Future of Pentecostal Ethics: A Systematic Articulation (2022), 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Costa Mesa CA, USA, 25th March 2022

    The Motherhood of All Believers: Does Stanley Hauerwas’ Theology of Family & The Church contribute towards a Pentecostal response to reproductive ethics? (2021),
    50th Annual Meeting Of The Society for Pentecostal Studies, Dallas TX, USA, 20th March 2021

    Command to Chronicle: Do the Biblical Ethics of Stanley Hauerwas Strengthen or Undermine Moral Deliberation in Pentecostal Communities? (2019), 48th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Washington DC, USA, 1st March 2019

    From Scripture to Spirit: The Distribution of Power & Authority in the Moral Values of the Australian Christian Churches (2018), Society for the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Las Vegas NV, USA, 26th October 2018

    The Tyranny of Compassion: How Does Stanley Hauerwas’s Virtue Ethics Enhance or Challenge Pentecostal Approaches to Justice and the Poor? (2018), 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Cleveland TN, USA, 9th March 2018

    “The Future of Hillsong’s Social Engagement”: Interdisciplinary Scholarship on a Transnational Religious Movement (2017), Society for the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Washington DC, USA, 13th October 2017

    The Contours of Hillsong’s Socio-Ethical Engagement (2017), 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, St Louis MO, USA, 10th March 2017

  • What is your job role?

    My role at Hillsong College is eclectic and every day is different! As well as lecturing across our Australian Campuses, I am responsible for the academic, operational, and pastoral dimensions of our college in Australia. I work closely with our incredibly talented and dedicated team to consistently deliver transformational programs and cultivate a vibrant student community here in Sydney.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    Hillsong College brings people together from all over the world creating a unique environment for discipleship, education, and leadership training. No matter whether you find yourself in a leadership, theological, or creative course, the rubber hits the road in the unscripted moments, in a classroom or corridor, when our students capture information in a transformational and mobilising way.

  • Background

    I moved to Australia in 2005 from Guernsey in the Channel Islands, initially to do a ‘gap year’ of bible college, but quickly found myself making Sydney home, investing into the young adults ministry at Hillsong Church, and pursuing my theological and leadership training. 19 years on, as well as enjoying the Sydney life with my wife, Natasha, and our 4 energetic children, I am committed to investing into people, providing opportunities for students to pursue their passions and develop their talents, and cultivating a vibrant and healthy educational experience!

Dr. Renee Deng
Executive Dean | Online

I love seeing people grow and transformed to be more Christ-like in their learning, which I believe is a journey of discipleship of the mind; it's such a privilege that we get to carve a digital platform to facilitate this journey for people wherever they are beyond the limits of time and space. To me, that's playing my part in the Great Commission.

  • What is your job role?

    Executive Dean of Online Campus;
    I love seeing people grow and transformed to be more Christ-like in their learning, which I believe is a journey of discipleship of the mind; it's such a privilege that we get to carve a digital platform to facilitate this journey for people wherever they are beyond the limits of time and space. To me, that's playing my part in the Great Commission.

  • Which courses are you currently teaching in?

    I currently teach the following subjects in the BTh, MA, and MTh courses:
    > RES401 Postgraduate Research
    > WritingTHE/BIB602 Seminar Presentation of Research
    > I also facilitate MTh students in their research and supervise when their research project falls into my files of expertise

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    I have my personal share in struggling to figure out how to find and engage with academic references, how to write academically, and how to reference which is foreign to many students who just started their higher education. This is definitely an area I can contribute with specialised insights, well developed pedagogies and experience. I love the fact that I get to help students from day one to remove the stumbling block and build up their foundational soft skills as they go so that they will have the confidence to examine the different voices they come across and to have the voices to articulate truth with wisdom and grace.

  • Academic Qualifications

    I have a Doctor of Philosophy degree which was upgraded from a Master of Research program. I have a Bachelor of Art (Education). My doctorate specialisation is in international post-secondary education, specially focusing on international students' engagement in Australian higher education. My current research focus is on post-monolingual education theorisation and pedagogical applications in higher education in both online and in person learning.

  • Publications

    [Forth coming] Deng, Qianwen. “Chapter 3: Disrupting Monolingual Bias through ZhōngYīng (中英, Chinese-English) Framework.” Palgrave Studies in Teaching and Learning Chinese, 2023.

    Deng, Qianwen, and Sarah Callista. "“I’m not a virus”: A Critical Reading of ‘the Women with the Issue of Blood’through the Eyes of Asian Women in Australia beyond COVID19 Pandemic." Australasian Pentecostal Studies 23, no. 1 (2022): 19-33.

    Deng, Qianwen. "One Size Fits All?–Postmonolingual Critical Thinking in Pentecostal Postgraduate Education." Australasian Pentecostal Studies 22, no. 2 (2021): 234-259.

    Deng, Qianwen. "The nature of reciprocity in international service-learning: A case study." PhD diss., Western Sydney University (Australia), 2019

  • Background

    I came on College staff in 2019 towards the end of my doctorate study. Even though I have never studied in College myself, I have always been volunteering together with college students because of my Sunday’s involvement in the Chinese service at Hills Campus. I married an Hillsong College alumni who finished three years’ VET program, graduated from both Master of Arts and Master of Theology programs.

Angela Bachtle
Student Dean

One of the joys of my life is watching a student come to college and see them develop and grow into a leader who is confident, skilled and highly capable. I am always inspired by the people who come to our college from all over the world. They build incredible friendships that last a lifetime, develop personal leadership skills by being involved in training environments and practical hands on experience in church life. Students learn and practice how to effectively lead others as well as finding their purpose.  Our desire is that they would fall in love with Jesus and His glorious Church.

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Vocational Education Training (VET)

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Pastoral Care Lectures, Spirit-Filled Living & Personal Evangelism Lectures, Platform Ministry, Marriage and Family, and Training Skills Tutorials.

  • Academic Qualifications

    Adv Dip. Min, Cert IV. TAE

  • Background

    Being on staff in our College for over 10 years and having our own son graduate with an Advanced Diploma in Ministry, has caused me to believe more in our college than ever before!   The mixture of practical and Spiritual wisdom gained by him doing the three years has set him up to help pioneer Hillsong San Fransisco.  The amount of care our staff give to our students is world class and unique in many ways. We not only value discipleship but are completely committed to it!

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    One of the joys of my life is watching a student come to college and see them develop and grow into a leader who is confident, skilled and highly capable. I am always inspired by the people who come to our college from all over the world. They build incredible friendships that last a lifetime, develop personal leadership skills by being involved in training environments and practical hands on experience in church life. Students learn and practice how to effectively lead others as well as finding their purpose.  Our desire is that they would fall in love with Jesus and His glorious Church.

Tracy Barrell
Lecturer and Tutorial Leader

I started studying at Hillsong College on my 31st birthday. As a student, College kept me young! As a teacher I hope it continues to keep me young, interesting and relevant. Theology has proved to not be boring. It’s about the greatest redemptive story ever told and how we all have a unique place in it. As a teacher at Hillsong College I’m reminded of that every day. It’s the greatest job, in the greatest College, in the greatest Church in the world!

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Undergraduate Studies as well as some Core & Pastoral lectures in our Vocational Education Training (VET) course

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Christian Worldview, Pneumatology, Christ & Salvation (for Higher Education) as well as Christian Doctrine, World Perspectives, Contemporary Theologies and Corinthian Correspondence.

  • What are your research interests?

    Practical & Spiritual Theology

  • Academic Qualifications

    MTh, BTh, Adv Dip. in Min.

  • What is your job role?

    I oversee the day to day running of the Higher Education Department (working closely with faculty and Senior College Leadership), ensuring the delivery of quality Higher Education within the unique ministry training culture of Hillsong College. I also lecture a number of Theology subjects, including Christian Worldview and more in depth Pneumatology & Christology subjects. Both in these subjects as well as in the Vocational courses I lecture, I love helping students to grasp Theological truths in ways that matter to our day-to-day Kingdom purpose and action. Basically to think through their faith and walk it out. As I often say to the students, “I’m only interested in Theology with legs on!”

  • Background

    Having completed Hillsong College’s 3 year Advanced Diploma, I completed the Bachelor of Theology because of a passion to teach and disciple Christians. Continuing to worship and serve at Hillsong Church I then embarked on a Masters of Theology which offered the opportunity for further Biblical and Theological studies as well as research in the field of Spiritual Theology – in particular the discipleship methods to be gleaned from the Desert Mothers & Fathers of the 3rd and 4th century. I began Tutoring and Training part-time at Hillsong College in 2006, and have been teaching full-time since 2010.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    Lecturing across both our Higher Education and Vocational courses allows me to influence students in multiple ways: as thinkers and practitioners who keep the Church of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom purpose as their primary focus and the motivators for their study and the refinement of their skills.

Michelle Leaney
Lecturer and Tutorial Leader

I love knowing that what I am part of is bigger than the part that I play. As a part of our training team I have the opportunity to invest into the lives of our students who are being equipped to lead the Church and impact the world in so many and varied spheres of influence and calling. Above all, I love seeing lives transformed, vision stirred, leaders equipped and followers of Jesus from many nations being discipled, and in turn becoming disciple-makers.

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Vocational Education Training (VET)

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Dip. Christian Ethics, Theology, Leading a Discipleship Ministry, World Perspectives, Pastoral Care, Team Leadership, Old Testament Studies
    Adv. Dip. Social Justice & the Church, Training Skills & Apologetics

  • What are your research interests?

    Social Justice/Human Rights

  • Academic Qualifications

    Masters of Human Rights (Cand), Bachelor of Arts (Cohesive Study: Critical & Cultural Studies), Diploma of Ministry (Creative Ministries), Certificate IV in Training & Assessment

  • What is your job role?

    I oversee the training and development of our new trainers and assistant trainers I relish opportunities to teach about culture and cross-cultural communication as it equips our students to navigate an increasingly globalised world where we live and move amidst a diversity of cultures and perspectives. I am currently convening, developing and delivering the new ‘Social Justice and the Church’ course for Advanced Diploma and I am passionate about this subject because we have a biblical mandate to act justly, love mercy and to be a blessing to the nations.

  • Background

    I have been in leadership with Hillsong Church since 1991, the majority of those years as part of the Creative Department where I was a Creative Pastor, Dance Leader and Founding Principal of the Hillsong Performing Arts Academy. I pioneered the Dance Stream at Hillsong College and have over 25 years’ experience in dance and creative arts ministry as a dancer, choreographer, teacher, director, lecturer and author. Since 2010 I have focused on my calling to raise up, equip and empower the next generation of leaders as a pastoral trainer at Hillsong College, and have become increasingly involved in cross-cultural ministry and social justice advocacy.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    I never have trouble getting out of bed in the morning because I know that what I am part of is bigger than the part that I play. As a part of our training team I have the opportunity to invest into the lives of our students who are being equipped to lead the Church and impact the world in so many and varied spheres of influence and calling. Above all, I love seeing lives transformed, vision stirred, leaders equipped and followers of Jesus from many nations being discipled, and in turn becoming disciple-makers.

Haydn Nelson
Lecturer and Tutorial Leader

Hillsong College is particularly unique in that it is placed at the heart of the vibrant community of Hillsong Church. Consequently, it provides an unparalleled opportunity for theological education and reflection to be done in the context of and at the coalface of innovative, effective and exciting church ministry. This integration of thinking and doing – of contemplation and application – is a potent and proven combination for raising, equipping, empowering and releasing a new generation of church leaders.

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Undergraduate & Postgraduate

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Apologetics, Ecclesiology, Trinity and Creation, Christian Worldview, Introduction to the Bible.

  • What are your research interests?

    Trinity, Providence, Ecclesiology, Ethics, Apologetics, Biblical History

  • Academic Qualifications

    BA, DipEd, BD (Hons), PhD

  • Publications

    H. D. Nelson, The Problem of the Providence of God (New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010).
    H. D. Nelson, “A Trinitarian Perspective on the Destiny of the Unevangelized,” in M. Parsons (ed.), Text and Task: Scripture and Mission (London: Paternoster, 2006).
    H. D. Nelson, “The Dynamic Stillness of God: Trinitarian Conceptions of Divine Immutability and Impassibility,” in M. Habets and P. Tolliday (eds), Trinitarian Theology After Barth (Princeton Theological Monograph Series; Eugene, OR.: Pickwick, 2010).
    H. D. Nelson, ‘Meet the Real Jesus’, in J. John (ed.), Proclaiming Christmas: 40 Timeless Talks and Sermons (Chorleywood, UK: Philo Trust, 2012).

  • What is your job role?

    I teach in the Bachelors and Masters programs across a range of units with a particular focus toward Systematic Theology and Biblical Studies. Drawing on experience in both the theological education world and the church ministry world, I am able to bring to bear an academic and theological foundation to considerations of Christian leadership and the opportunities and responsibilities of ministry.

  • Background

    I’ve had more than 20 years of Christian leadership experience in theological education and church settings. Most recently I was Senior Minister of Riverview Church in Perth, Western Australia. Riverview Church is a multi-generational community of over 5000 people, 70 staff and a wide range of ministries including community services, Children’s Foundation and television. Prior to that I was Principal of the Bible College of Western Australia which equipped students for Christian ministry in a range of ministry contexts. In addition, I’ve had 7 years of law-enforcement experience as a Police Officer and Police Detective that provided a raw and real preparation for ministry.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    My desire is to demonstrate the many ways in which profound theological truth can have enormous implications for practical Christian trust. Put another way, orthodoxy (right believing) can and does shape orthopraxy (right living). My hope is that our students will be gripped by God’s saving purposes for his world and become fully-informed and fully-equipped servant leaders committed to lives that honour God, proclaim Jesus and build the church.

Adam Dodson
Lecturer and Tutorial Leader

There is a need for worship leaders, church musicians, and creative leaders to have a biblical, historical, and ecclesiological understanding of why it is they do what they do in the practical outworking of worship leadership, its planning and its design. I am passionate about our worship studies courses because they are all designed to equip students to build the church and its worship with excellence and passion and to do so from an informed perspective.

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Undergraduate & Vocational Education Training (VET)

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Theology of Christian Worship, Creativity & the Arts in the Church, Creative Pastor, Church & Music, Intro to Worship Ministry, Worship Arts & Church History, Worship in the Contemporary Context

  • What are your research interests?

    The historical development of worship practices such as music and singing as they have developed theologically and musically across Christian traditions, primarily within the Pentecostal-charismatic contemporary church context. I have particular interests in the worship practices of Pentecostal revivals and periods of worship renewal and in the Contemporary worship movement and its associated music industry.

  • Academic Qualifications

    Diploma of Ministry in Worship Music (Hillsong College), B.Sc. Ministry Leadership in Music and Worship (Lee University), and currently a candidate in the M.A. Ministry Studies (Worship Studies) at Lee University.

  • What is your job role?

    I lecture across our Worship Music stream lectures in the Dip and Adv Dip VET course. I am also designing and creating our new worship studies units for our undergraduate program that include a variety of worship, arts, and music leadership subjects.

  • Background

    I completed the Diploma of Ministry in Worship Music at Hillsong College from 2006-07.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    There is a need for worship leaders, church musicians, and creative leaders to have a biblical, historical, and ecclesiological understanding of why it is they do what they do in the practical outworking of worship leadership, its planning and its design. I am passionate about our worship studies courses because they are all designed to equip students to build the church and its worship with excellence and passion and to do so from an informed perspective.

Lina Rodrigues
Course Development Manager & Lecturer

Besides biblical subjects, I am truly passionate about the history of Christianity. People tend to dismiss history as boring and irrelevant. I always encourage my students to look beyond the dates we often forget and the names we sometimes struggle to pronounce and simply immerse themselves in the stories. The story of the Church is the story of our spiritual ancestors and there is so much wisdom we can learn from their faith, their successes and also their failures. If we can wisely build on our past, we will step into our future stronger and bolder.

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Undergraduate & Vocational Education Training (VET)

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    History of Christianity

  • What are your research interests?

    Global Christianity, Church History, Ecumenism, Biblical Theology, Anthropology of Christianity

  • Academic Qualifications

    Dual Dip. Training and Assessment Education, Adv. Dip. Ministry, BA Humanities, Master of Translating and Interpreting, MA Christian Studies

  • What is your job role at Hillsong College?

    For nearly 10 years, the core of my role as a course developer and teacher has always remained the same: ensuring the quality of our vocational programs so that our students are effectively raised, equipped and empowered for whatever calling God has on their lives. The team and myself carry out that mission by regularly designing assessments that showcase essential skills and knowledge relevant to ministry, revising the content of our programs so that it remains fresh and relevant as well as promoting innovative ministry practices.

  • Background

    Being born and raised in a multi-cultural family and social environment, I was immediately attracted by the international and welcoming nature of Hillsong College. When I studied at College as part of our pastoral stream in 2009-2012, I was only seeking to learn how to love and serve God and people better. These were transformative years where I discovered my calling as a church builder and Bible teacher. I was then offered a position on faculty while I further pursued my studies with a Master of Arts in Christian Studies - focusing at the time on biblical and New Testament studies.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    Besides biblical subjects, I am truly passionate about the history of Christianity. People tend to dismiss history as boring and irrelevant. After all why bother with dead people and things that happened in the past? I always encourage my students to look beyond the dates we often forget and the names we sometimes struggle to pronounce and simply immerse themselves in the stories. The story of the Church is the story of our spiritual ancestors and there is so much wisdom we can learn from their faith, their successes and also their failures. If we can wisely build on our past, we will step into our future stronger and bolder.

Keren Fuller
City Campus Dean

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Vocational Education Training (VET) & Undergraduate

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Christian Ethics, World Perspectives, Theology, Marriage & Family, Apologetics, Leading a Church Department, Contemporary Theologies & Old Testament Foundations

  • What are your research interests?

    Pentecostal Discipleship, Spiritual Formation, New Testament World

  • Academic Qualifications

    CertIV TAE, DipMin, BA, MA

  • What is your job role at Hillsong College?

    I am part of the Hillsong College team based at our Sydney City Campus. I lead tutorial classes for students in both our VET and Undergraduate programs. My role also includes pastoring and helping our city students and City Campus to flourish.

  • Background

    For over 25 years Hillsong Church has been my home church. I completed by Diploma of Ministry at Hillsong College in 2000 and started on church staff that same year. Having a degree in Business Administration I worked in the corporate side of church for many years. I then undertook further studies gaining a certificate in Training and Assessing and continued my theological training with a Masters in Christian Studies.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    A key scripture for me is Colossians 1:28-29 “He (Jesus) is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.” My passion is for our students become more and more Christlike, mature in their faith, mature in their understanding of scripture and mature in extending God’s Kingdom in our world.

Julia Cuthbertson
Academic Dean

I am passionate about helping our students find practical application for their studies and outworking this in their local church for relevant impact in their communities. Outworking high quality education that is meaningful and relatable that helps students understand transferability into the everyday context.

  • Which department do you teach in?

    Vocational Education Training (VET)

  • Which courses are you currently teaching?

    Training Skills and TAE

  • What are your research interests?

    Adult Education (Andragogy), Educational Organisation development, Advanced Pedagogy, Educational practice and application

  • Academic Qualifications

    Master of Education (Macquarie University), Diploma of Vocational Education & Training (Fortress Learning), Diploma of Training Design & Development (Fortress Learning), Diploma of Management (Strategix), Advanced Project Management (Australian Institute of Management), Certificate IV in Training & Assessment (Blueprint Career Development)

  • What is your job role at Hillsong College?

    My role as Academic Dean is to oversee the academic management of our college. This spans curriculum design and development, accreditation, compliance and ensuring our college is delivering high quality training for our students.

  • Background

    I have a Certificate in Christian Studies (Power Ministry College) which became Hillsong College. I have been part of Hillsong Church Hills campus since 1986 and joined our College staff 13 years ago in the course development area and have worked predominantly with our academic team over the years.

  • Why are you passionate about the courses you teach, and why are they relevant for Hillsong College students?

    I am passionate about helping our students find practical application for their studies and outworking this in their local church for relevant impact in their communities. Outworking high quality education that is meaningful and relatable that helps students understand transferability into the everyday context.


Our vocational courses are accredited with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the Australian Government agency charged with quality and regulation of the vocational education and training sector in Australia. Our online or on-campus undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are obtained and accredited through our partnership with Alphacrucis University College located in Sydney Australia. Our online Masterclasses are not accredited; rather, they function as short classes to equip and empower you wherever you are.

Check out ASQA’s website for full details about Australia’s vocational education training sector, the Authority’s jurisdiction and the standards by which it regulates Colleges and accredits courses.

Hillsong College is also approved by ASQA as a provider of education to international students and is listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.


Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Code: 1340

CRICOS Provider Code: 01532G

Hillsong College is also a member of the following organisations:

– Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA)

– Asian Pacific Theological Association (APTA)

– Pentecostal and Charismatic Bible Colleges of Australasia (PCBC)

Under the Australian training sector’s Mutual Recognition requirements, the College’s courses are recognised by all other Registered Training Organisations in Australia and may be used to meet entrance or credit transfer requirements into other vocational courses in Australia, depending on the nature of the course.



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