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Love Thy Neighbour

Mar 5 2023 | 

As we focus on God’s love for us and our love for others in response in the lead up to Easter, we want to give this a practical outworking as a church. There are still many people in our cities struggling and depending on foodbanks or organizations to help them out. Though our Love Thy Neighbour campaign, we want to help out locally.

In Amsterdam we partner with Tot Heil Des Volks (Wal 125 – daklozenopvang and Het Fort).
In Rotterdam we partner with Tot Heil Des Volks.
In Brussels we continue to work with Pigment.

By yourself or as a group, you can help by either:

1.) Bringing non-perishable and donating it at the stand in the foyer.
Think of items like:
– Rice
– Pasta
– Sugar
– Salt
– Oil (sunflower/olive)
– Canned goods like: soup, vegetables, beans
– Peanutbutter
– Jam
– Muesli- or proteinbars
– Sackets of nuts
– and more…

2.) Making a donation that will be used to buy grocery gift cards.
(transferred to our bank accounts with the description: Love Thy Neighbour – Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Brussels)

Giving when you are part of Hillsong Amsterdam
Bank: Rabobank
Account Name: Stichting Hillsong Church NL
IBAN: NL47 RABO 0156 5632 23

Giving when you are part of Hillsong Rotterdam or Brussels
Bank: Rabobank
Account Name:Stichting Hillsong Church NL
IBAN: NL56 RABO 0134 1102 77