YOU LEAD A SMALL GROUP? Then this page is for you!
Under the button you will find the current small group studies you can talk about and a study template that you can apply to any sermon. Below we introduce a simple way for you to read the Bible together in small group, the SOAP method. By reading the Bible we can learn to hear God’s voice – this is incredibly fascinating and life-changing and we are excited to see what you will experience.
S = Scripture
Read a Bible passage and write out a verse or paragraph that particularly spoke to you.
O = Observation
What do you notice about this verse? What do you think God is trying to say? Are there any words that stand out for you? Who is the author speaking to? What is the cultural context of the verse?
A = Application
How can you apply this truth in your life? Are there areas in your life that are not in line with this verse? Where have you experienced growth in this area?
P = Prayer
Meditate on the verse and ask God how you can realise and implement it in your life. Make the verse and what you have learned from it your prayer.