As a church we are so mindful of our city and our backyard, and CityCare is a significant part of what we do.
The goal of CityCare is to help people; to show people that there are Christians in their city who love them. From a foundation of relationships, we desire to partner with people, exploring ways to help them change their situation.
We are partnering with organisations in our city, lending the weight and strength of our volunteer army to people who are already doing great work. Organisations like – Path – who are working in the areas of mental health and homelessness, Red Eye – who run a youth mentoring program in Watts, one of the most impoverished neighbourhoods in Los Angeles, just to name a couple.
We have established a great team of volunteers who work on Skid Row – One of the largest homeless populations in the United States. Our goal is to simply build relationships, do life with this community and to see it transformed.
For more information visit Hillsong LA