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About Hillsong Family

The HILLSONG FAMILY is a group of like-spirited, forward thinking, kingdom-building visionaries and ministries working TOGETHER for a greater cause. This group of churches and ministries are joining our ‘FAMILY’ in an effort to develop and strengthen one another – a family relationship in which to find wisdom and encouragement, spiritual accountability and support as they continue to build the church and ministry that God has uniquely called them to do.

This is not the foundation or beginnings of a Hillsong ‘denomination’, nor are they ‘Hillsong Churches’. The spirit behind the HILLSONG FAMILY is empowering rather than controlling; with each of the churches listed below maintaining their own name, autonomy and identity. In trying to express what this looks like – we are simply formalizing a relationship that has already been communicated through culture, behaviour and word. Each of the people listed below have expressed loyalty and honour to Bobbie and I over many years and we are so excited to formalize this relationship and develop the opportunity to pour more of ourselves into their own leadership development. The Hillsong Family members will each be contributing to Hillsong’s global mission endeavours in various forms. These churches see Hillsong as their primary, but certainly not their only relationship or family.

Not to be mistaken, HILLSONG CHURCH is a single church with 20 global expressions. Hillsong Churches are campuses that were initially planted from Hillsong Sydney, whose Senior Pastors are Bobbie and I and whose Lead Pastors are encouraged in local initiative while outworking mutual mission and purpose within a greater framework.

The HILLSONG NETWORK is also still an incredibly valued part of our story.

We are more committed than ever to the churches in our Hillsong Network and excited to continue developing new, life-giving resources and connection – stepping up the meaningful interaction we have so enjoyed over the years. The Hillsong Network, however, is not a spiritual covering but a renewable membership; and a company of people embracing our cities and nations with the love, hope and goodness of a compassionate and faithful God as we gather annually to encourage one another.

HILLSONG’S HEART continues to be towards championing the cause of local churches EVERYWHERE – a mission and mandate we take seriously and will continue to outwork through our conferences, global worship projects and local campuses.

We have so many dear friends in ministry – some churches that we are incredibly close with, whose Pastors I see more as mentors and are not included on this list. There are also (intentionally) no other Australian churches currently on this list. However, as time moves on, we will extend the invitation for the HILLSONG FAMILY to other churches and ministries.

I am excited to watch what God will do as the HILLSONG FAMILY churches begin to work together and as we encourage our congregations towards a common vision; unite to participate in existing partnerships, global projects, missions and aid initiatives. I truly believe that when we unify, we have even greater impact.

I hope you will join me in welcoming the newest members of our family; and check out this webpage for more information on any of these churches and their ongoing ministries.