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We, the Church

This Heart for the House Miracle offering is our opportunity to GIVE AS ONE into the vision of our church.

We believe we are called to build a church to build a nation and a continent. ‘Not equal giving, but equal sacrifice’ is a hallmark phrase that has framed our Heart for the House offering.

Year after year, we have seen sacrificial giving that is breathtaking. What God has accomplished on the earth through the sacrifice of many is nothing short of miraculous.

We believe this is the time for the church to shine brighter than ever before. Amidst the global pandemic, we, the Church are called to be loving neighbours, to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to keep building a brighter future for everyone.

We, the Church are called to give generously, to love daringly, to bring the hope of Jesus to a world that needs it like never before. We, the Church, will stand fearless and faith-filled in the midst of this global pandemic.

We believe this will be our greatest miracle offering as a church yet. Together we’re believing to see God’s miraculous in your life, in our church and across this beautiful continent.

We invite you to join us in faith and expectation as we endeavour to advance the Kingdom of God in Africa through His church.


Giving As ONE

You are still able to contribute towards our Heart for the House Miracle Offering.

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A simple and easy way to give. (Please reference H4TH).

“Be faithful to guard the sweet harmony of the Holy Spirit among you in the bonds of peace, being ​one body and one spirit​, as you were all called into the same glorious hope of divine destiny. For the Lord God is ​one​,and so are we, for we share in ​one f​aith, o​ne ​baptism, and ​one ​Father.​​ And He is the perfect Father who leads us all, works through us all, and lives in us all!”
Ephesians 4:3-6 (TPT)


Every year we hear stories of individuals and families that sowed into building God’s house and the miracles that follow their faith and trust in God. Take a moment and click on the button below to write down what you are believing God for during this Heart for the House Offering. Together, we are believing for the miraculous.