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A letter from our Global Senior Pastors

Hi Church,

Our Heart for the House season is here. This is a wonderfully blessed and sacred time in church life when the Holy Spirit moves in our hearts and lives as we seek God, preparing to bring a sacrifice of giving into His House. We believe that offering up the financial fruit of our labour to sow into the future of our church releases a sweet, worshipful aroma to the Lord that He is well pleased with.

This annual offering (which we give over and above our usual tithes and offerings) is truly a miracle offering. Year after year, it prepares the ground for miracles to be released through our church and across our lives. We’re incredibly thankful for every individual who will contribute both financially and prayerfully to what we’re trusting will be a stake in the ground for the future of our church here in Africa.

The story of Hillsong Africa is only beginning. Our giving is one way in which we partner with God in the good work of building healthy church communities, developing purpose-filled Jesus followers, and creating avenues of significant and sustainable social impact.

This is the mission of our church, and the practical outworking of our vision to build a church that will help build nations.

Personally, our hearts remain as entirely passionate about Africa as ever, and we’re radically committed to the future of our church on this well-loved continent. We’re committing to seek God for what our giving will be this year, and to give sacrificially. We pray that you will do the same.

Collectively, may our hearts be stirred to give generously and joyously. May we be motivated, not by a sense of duty or obligation, but by a deep love for God, His House, and His people. As it says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 (AMPC): ‘Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving].’

We love you dearly, Church, and we’re praying for you.

Love and blessings,
Phil & Lucinda Dooley
Global Senior Pastors Hillsong Church

Ways To Give

Giving closes at the end of November.


Giving envelopes will be available in Church for cash and cheque giving.


You can give via EFT: reference “HFTH”
SnapScan: select “HFTH” from the dropdown
Click here for banking details


If you are outside of South Africa and would like to contribute to Heart for the House, please email us at [email protected]

Preparation for your financial gift

Here are a few ways that you can prepare for your giving.

The Church: the hope of the world.
“I will build my church…”Matthew 16:18 (NLT)