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Hillsong Kids is home for your family and where your kids will find belonging and connection. We want to partner with your family to help your child grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Our desire is to provide a safe place for children to experience the love of God and the presence of Jesus, to make great friends, and have fun!

We do this through age appropriate games and activities, songs and teaching of God’s Word and by encouraging them to dream big as they embrace the life God has for them.

Hillsong Kids is for all children aged 1 and walking to Gr 6 at school. If you are a new parent and have a baby under 1 years of age, most locations also have a Parent’s Room where you can retreat to feed, change nappies or even put your little one to sleep.

Kids Check In

Check in opens 20 minutes before the service starts, and will close 20 minutes into the service starting. Please update your family details on our Church Community Builder database to ensure we have your correct details and a speedier Check In.

Salvation Prayer for children
Dear Lord Jesus,
Today I ask you to come into my life and be my best friend. Forgive me of all the things I’ve done wrong.
I believe you are the Son of God and that you died on the cross for my sins. Help me to love you and live for you everyday. Because of You Jesus, today I am a christian.

Black represents the wrong-doing or the things God does not
want us to be doing, this is called sin and it separates us from God.
Romans 3:23

Red represents the blood of Jesus who died on the cross and
rose again, taking the punishment for our wrong-doing, or sin, in our lives.
Romans 5:8, John 3:16

When someone becomes a Christian through accepting Jesus
into their life, their wrong-doings or sins are washed away and
they are clean before God. Romans 10:9, 1 John 1:9

Green is the colour of plants that grow. The green colour reminds
us that we should grow as a Christian. We can read the Bible,
go to Church and we can pray. 2 Peter 1:2

Yellow is the colour of gold. Gold is very precious and speaks of
an awesome place prepared for Christians called Heaven. TheBible says in Heaven the streets are made of Gold.We get to have eternal life in Heaven, where God has
prepared a place for us. John 14:2 Romans 6:23


Click below and take a moment to either Ask God for help or take a moment to Thank God for all the things He’s done! 🙂

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