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Have a question about CityCare?

If you’d like to find out more about CityCare, how to get involved or share your story, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!

Contact Us:

[email protected]

[email protected]

  1300 53 53 91

Office Locations:

NSW: 1-9 Solent Circuit, Norwest NSW 2153
QLD/NT: 16 Rover Street, Mount Gravatt QLD 4122
VIC/TAS: 79 Sunshine Road, West Footscray VIC 3012

Important: Please note our email addresses are monitored intermittently during office hours Monday to Friday and a response may not be immediate. If you are in crisis please contact Lifeline 24-hour Phone Counselling service on 13 11 14 or contact your local GP (doctor) for support and/or referral. If it is an emergency or life is at risk please call 000. Thank you.

Complaints Handling

Who can you speak to?

Hillsong CityCare is committed to continuous improvement of our service delivery and welcome feedback from our stakeholders and those who directly engage with our programs and services.

If you have any issues or concerns please contact us via email at [email protected]

All complaints will be given respect and due consideration as we endeavour to resolve the issue in a timely and appropriate manner.

You can download the CityCare Complaints-Handling Policy & Procedure below.

Hillsong CityCare is a Public Benevolent Institution registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

ABN 13 003 698 726

Donations of $2 or more made within Australia are tax deductible through Hillsong CityCare Australia Ltd.