Welcome to Hillsong Church
Our heart and soul is to introduce and connect people with the living and powerful God.
As a local church we are a community of everyday people in which Jesus is central to all we do and we seek to embrace our city and nation we live in with the love, hope and goodness of our compassionate and faithful God.
The Vision
A healthy church changing lives through Christ.
Académie de Leadership Hillsong
Find a location near you
Our French-speaking campuses are present in multiple locations across France, Switzerland & Luxembourg. We would love to meet you! We also have an Online Service for those who are unable to join us onsite.
What's NEXT for you?
Everyone has a next step. Whether you are new to faith or whether you’ve grown up in church your whole life, we are all on a journey of becoming more and more like Jesus : Loving God, loving people and building church together.
Prayers and praise
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A simple way to keep in touch with us is to create an account on MyChurchSuite
It only takes a few minutes to register!
Ressources en français
Visitez notre boutique en ligne pour nos livres et albums en français ou consultez les ressources gratuites que nous proposons.
Your generosity helps to build the church and make a difference in the lives of people.