I’m keeping this short and simple…because, to be honest, I often come across incredible blogs; but when I see HOW LONG they are I check out.
I have three kids. Three awesome kids. They are awesome because of Jesus, my incredible husband, and because I’ve had to put a few things on the back shelf for a few years. However, DRUMROLL… I’m writing again and taking a couple of dusty things off of the back shelf and going creative crazy!
I think that would be so amazing… #creativecrazy
So, I think this blog is reaching out to the guy & gal who are SUPER CREATIVE but might be struggling to find their place in a BUSY & CRAZY season where their gifts and talents are put on the “back shelf”.
Well, what is a back shelf? Whoever asks you to bring something from the back shelf? No one. So, can I please be so bold to say that in God’s Kingdom there is no such thing as a back shelf? You need to create. create, create!
No matter the season, no matter the circumstance, and no matter the situation – CREATE! So that’s why I titled this blog: “Write, right now”.
So whether you are a songwriter, a musician, a dancer, a photographer, a chef, a bistro, a mom, a dad, a businessman or a painter… WRITE. (or paint, cook, teach – whatever you need to do, just CREATE right now)
That’s all from me. I have a nappie full of poo that I need to creatively take care of… and then… THE WORLD! (ha!)
Love, Tara Taberer