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With Jesus, like Jesus.




Part of our mission statement is that we want to develop purpose filled Jesus followers. To be a follower of Jesus means to be with Jesus, become like Jesus and do what Jesus did. 

Following him is not a program that you join but a life that you live! As we follow Jesus with purpose, we grow more and more in our revelation of who God is and our identity in Christ. 

The purpose of GROW is to support you on this journey through small groups, studies, courses and more. 

Basics is an introductory course for anyone new to our church or new to faith, or who wants to understand GROW more deeply. The course includes three sessions that give an overview of what we believe as a church, what it means to follow Jesus and how we are structured as a church.


Courses offer you some great opportunities to grow and become equipped for your next steps in life. Over a short and focused period of time, you can delve into a specific topic and embark on a valuable journey of discovery with other course participants.

Small groups meet fortnightly from September to June to unpack the Sunday sermon, make it practical and pray for each other. As part of a small group, you commit to attending regularly with the purpose to grow in faith.

Grow is designed to help you take personal responsibility in following Jesus. Here you can find studies, reading plans, bible commentaries and other resources to help you grow in your understanding of God and your identity in Christ.