We have Men’s Night happening across Australia in just a few weeks time. We are expectant for God to move as we gather the guys together and hear a word from Charles Nieman. It’s always a great opportunity to take some time to connect in community and have a few good laughs.
Locations & More Information
Hills (including Hills Chinese, South West, Central West)
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.00pm for food and hangs for a 7.00pm start
Address: Hills Campus Hub, 1-9 Solent Circuit
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 7.00pm
Address: 34 Ocean St N, Bondi
City – Waterloo (inc Alexandria & Villawood)
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start
Address: 188 Young St, Waterloo
Note: Food will be available to purchase on the night.
Greater West Sydney
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm for food and hangs for a 7.00pm start
Address: Building BB, WSU Werrington Great Western Highway
Inner West
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start
Address: 96 – 98 Tennyson Rd, Mortlake
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm
Address: Compassion, 30 Warabrook Boulevarde, Warabrook
Northern Beaches
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: Dinner from 6.30pm
Address: 11B 13/9 Winbourne Rd, Brookvale
Macquarie (including North Shore)
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm for 7.00pm start
Address: 5 Byfield Street MQ Park
SC South
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 7.00pm start
Address: Coolum Beach – Contact Campus Team for Address
BNE Central
Date: Friday 28th March
Times: 7pm start
Address: 16 Rover Street, Mount Gravatt
BNE Downtown
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm-7.15pm food & hangs for a 7.30pm start
Address: 346 George Street, Brisbane City
Parking: Discounted Parking ($4 cost), W Hotel – 81 North Quay, Validate in Foyer
Greater Springfield
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm food and hangs, 7.00pm start
Address: 90 Parkland Drive, Springfield Central
Gold Coast Central
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm for 7.00pm start
Address: 33 Hinkler Dr, Highland Park
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm start
Address: 5 Moulden Tce, Moulden
Melb City
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6:30pm
Address: Melbourne City Hub – Unit 2/125 Adderley Street, West Melbourne
Notes: Dinner provided – Brazilian BBQ
Melb East
Date: Friday 4th April
Times: 6.30pm Start
Address: 557 Burwood Highway, Knoxfield
Melb West
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm Dinner for 7.00pm start
Address: 90 Mitchell St, Maidstone VIC
Melb Greater West
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6.30pm Hang & BBQ for 7.00pm start
Address: 42 Westwood Drive, Ravenhall
Date: Friday 21st March
Times: 6:45pm
Address: The Third Place – 325 Barker Rd, Subiaco