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Next Steps

Nov 8 2017 | 7 PM | Waterloo

Next Steps meets every Wednesday night at 7pm at our Waterloo location. It is perfect for people who have the commitment of work, study or parenting and desire to study the Word of God part-time.

Our team aims to provide a friendly, relaxed, faith filled atmosphere so you can receive from both our gifted teachers or facilitators and the wealth of life experience knowledge within each class.

This is your invitation to choose a course at the depth you wish to study from the spectrum of 3 streams: Bible, Leadership, or Life!


The following are courses this term:

Ministry School – Leadership:  Learn biblically based leadership skills and tools that are able to equip you to lead in all areas of life.
Leadership Depends – Grow:  The second journey of ‘Leadership Depends’ is all about ‘GROWTH’; building and empowering people. This course is facilitated by our key team, presenting ideas and solutions found in personal leadership and giving you practical next steps to work on.
Mastering your Money: A 5 week program designed to provide you with a sound approach to financial management.
Pre Marriage: The aim of this 5 week program is to help couples lay the foundation for a relationship that will last a lifetime.
The Marriage Course: The aim of this program is to help couples grow closer and build a healthy relationship that will last a lifetime. For more information please email [email protected].
Shine: This program is focused on personal development program that empowers women regardless of their cultural, educational or socioeconomic background. The goal is to help individuals on their journey of discovering their personal value, resilience and potential.
Alpha: Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith and it runs all around the globe.
English as a Second Language (ESL): Looking to improve your english? We offer courses from beginner to advanced, free of cost. You can join ESL at anytime! For more question or to register please email [email protected]