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Safe Church Child Safety Information for Parents and Carers


Conversations are powerful tools to keep children and young people safe and well.

Conversations between

…children and their caregivers matter (from the very earliest days)

…children and their peers matter

…families with teachers, doctors, and other professionals matter

…friends or neighbours matter

…decision-makers and the communities they serve matter.

So this National Child Protection Week we invite you to speak up – and speak together – about making sure Children and Young people are safe.

Here are some resources including topics and conversation starters to help you talk to preschool and school-age children and teenagers about child sexual abuse, online safety and how to raise a concern.

Keeping Children and Young People Safe at Hillsong Church

The Hillsong Safe Church Office works across all areas of church life to:

– Coordinate the recruitment and selection of volunteers in child-related areas, including state-based government Working With Children Checks
– Develop and communicate Safe Church policies and procedures
– Conduct Safe Church training for all staff and volunteers
– Handle concerns and disclosures

Everyone participating in programs at Hillsong Church must keep to the following working with children and young people guidelines. If you have any concerns or observe any behaviour outside of these boundaries, please let us know by contacting the Safe Church Office: [email protected]



Providing a safe environment for children and young people is the priority of all the children's and youth programs at Hillsong Church. Our working with children and young people guidelines seek to prevent situations occurring where a child or young person could be unsafe, as well as ensuring that the staff and volunteers who work with children and young people have undergone a strict screening and recruitment process and behave in a safe and accountable manner.

- Children and young people are to be supervised at all times by approved adult leaders, who visually identify themselves by wearing a leader name sticker printed from our electronic check-in system.

- Parents should be provided with correct information regarding program start and finish times. Leaders are to ensure that every child and young person is picked up safely.

- Correct toileting procedures are to be followed. Two approved adult leaders are to check the bathroom is vacant of adults before children enter, then stand outside the toileting area and prevent adults from entering the area until all children have exited.

Personal Interaction

Personal Interaction

Our working with children and young people guidelines ensure there is accountability in our behaviour around children and young people and sets a standard for what is appropriate. Never being alone with a child or young person and staying in safe, open environments provides for accountability within teams and ensures that interactions are safe and positive.

- Leaders will always have another adult present when with a child or young person and remain in open environments in view of others.

- Leaders will exercise safe, appropriate and child-initiated contact.

- Children and young people are not to be transported alone; two approved adult leaders should be in the car.

- Interaction with children and young people should remain within appropriate boundaries.

Communication and Media

Communication and Media

Those serving with children and young people should communicate with them in an open way and with parents knowledge or involvement. This ensures communication stays within appropriate boundaries.

- Leaders should not personally communicate electronically with children primary school age or under.

- Communication should be transparent and only take place with parent/carer permission.

- Electronic communication should remain within appropriate boundaries.

- Children and young people's right to privacy will be protected, particularly when dealing with their personal information and when responding to pastoral situations or disclosures of harm.

- Photos should only be taken by approved photographers for the purpose of promotions and marketing and only shared with permission. Photos and/or captions should not include the child or young person’s personal details such as address, phone number, full name or the name of the school they attend as this may pose a risk to their personal safety.

Responding to concerns or disclosures of harm

Responding to concerns or disclosures of harm

Hillsong Church is committed to a caring and appropriate response, should any suspicion, allegation, disclosure or complaint of misconduct or abuse occur. Concerns or disclosures of harm must be responded to the Safe Church Office, who will ensure reports are made to relevant authorities in a consistent and thorough manner.

If you as a parent or carer have any concerns or observe any inappropriate conduct, please let us know by contacting the Safe Church Office: [email protected]