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03.05. – 04.19.

In preparation for Easter, we want to take time to fast and pray. The fasting period begins on March 5th and ends on Easter Sunday, April 19th. That equals 46 days. Since Sundays are exempt during this time, it totals 40 days.

Below, you’ll find the biblical background of fasting, as well as some helpful tips.



The biblical definition of fasting is that it’s a christian’s voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual reasons. In the bible fasting was always with food but if you can’t fast food for some reason, maybe you’re diabetic or pregnant, or you really feel lead to fast something else that you think takes your attention away from God like TV or social media, then you can fast that but there is something about food that REALLY effects us physically.

All through the Bible it’s very clear that doing something in the physical is a catalyst to seeing breakthrough in the spiritual. What we do in the physical gets the attention of heaven and mobilises the angel armies like when the Israelites fled from Egypt in Exodus 14. When they reached the Red Sea, God told Moses to lift up his staff and stretch out his hand. His OBEDIENCE to do the physical action resulted in a supernatural miracle.

Here are three things that fasting is not and six things that fasting is. This is not a comprehensive list but things I hope can help us for now.



Not to earn God’s favour or acceptance or to impress Him (God accepts us only by the finished work of Jesus on the cross.)


Not be a burden or a duty, but rather a voluntary decision. For the rest of your life, you can choose to do it or not do it because the bible doesn’t command us to fast but it does tell us how beneficial it can be. It won’t effect your SALVATION, but it will affect your SITUATION.
In Matthew 6:16, Jesus doesn’t say “if,” but “when you fast…”, so it’s safe to say that He just assumed that His followers would fast.


Not to get God to do what you want Him to do. The point of fasting is for it to change you not God.



To seek God’s guidance. In Acts 14:23, the early church fasted and prayed when they appointed new leaders. If you’re at a point in your life where you really need guidance in your business, career or relationships, now could be a good time to fast.


To seek deliverance or protection. If you read the stories of Ezra, Esther and King Jehoshaphat, they fasted and God intervened. We can fast for ourselves or others to be delivered from sickness, fear, anxiety, depression, addiction, poverty, you name it.


To express our passion for the work of God. Nehemiah’s passion to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem caused him to fast for help from God. We fast because of our passion to build God’s house in order to build this nation so people will call it a delightful land.


To overcome our flesh and draw closer to Jesus. Fasting teaches us to hunger for Jesus MORE than food or luxuries. This physical awareness of emptiness is the reminder to turn to Jesus who is the only one who can satisfy. He is the Bread of Life and Living Water. Jesus himself said: “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ – Matt 4:4 NIV
The word IS actually Jesus, so he’s saying we cannot live on food alone, but on Jesus who satisfies. When Jesus meets the woman at the well He tells her that what HE has to give is far greater than the natural water she is drawing from the well. Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. – John 4:13 NIV
You see, intimacy with Jesus will satisfy your thirst far more than any natural water, Coca-cola, coffee or even McDonalds for that matter.


To express love and worship to God. You can read about Anna the prophet in Luke 2 who literally just lived in the temple worshipping God constantly with fasting and prayer. That’s how she expressed her love for Him and fasting is one of the ways we can express our love for Jesus.


To strengthen your prayers. When Ezra, Daniel, Ether, Nehemiah and the apostles in the New Testament fasted, they always prayed. Fasting and praying always go hand in hand. Fasting without praying has a very common name. It’s called a diet. Fasting is not a diet. It’s more than just NOT eating. Prayer is a weapon and fasting helps to remind us to pray. So the idea isn’t to be dramatic about how much you want the food and constantly think about how much you miss it and need it but to be moved to fill the lack in your physical body with and abundance of prayer.



For which individuals would you like to pray so that they may have a personal encounter with Jesus?


For which miracle or breakthrough would you like to pray?


We truly believe that the fasting period is a special time of preparation and prayer for our church, our community, our families, our nation, and ourselves. That’s why we’d like to invite you to join us.

If you’ve never fasted before, take it slowly. Whatever you fast, at the end of the day, the heart motive behind it is more important than any action. Our greatest desire is for each individual in our community to be personally encouraged and inspired to passionately hunger for more of Jesus.