16th February: Global Mission Sunday – Our Senior Pastors, Phil and Lucinda Dooley will be unifying the church around our mission globally and what we are believing for in 2025. ** followed by our ‘Core Community Lunch’, supporting our Connect group and people leaders.
23rd February: Australian / Local Mission Sunday 10am, PLUS 5:30PM Worship Night
26th February: NIGHT SCHOOL TERM 1 – MARRIAGE COURSE BEGINS! Click here to enrol
2nd March: Pancake Sunday 8:40am (for all volunteers) followed by our 10am service with new series commencing: “Take Another Step”
4th March: Lent (40 days till Easter) begins, with recommended devotional resource “40 Days of decrease” By Alicia Brit Nicole
9th March: Faith Mission Partners lunch after 10am service
21st March: National Men’s Night
28th March: National Sisterhood United Night, youth attending Hope for the Illawarra.
29th March: Hope for the Illawarra at Win Stadium
30th March: 10 am service as normal
18th April: Good Friday 10am service
20th April: Easter Sunday 10am service
Conferences and Events:
FAITH MISSION PARTNERS RETREAT: 2nd – 3rd May. Register here for Sydney City
HILLSONG CONFERENCE: 8th – 10th July. Tickets will sell out, click here to register
SISTERHOOD ONE DAY: Saturday October 18th, click here to register
SUMMER 2025 / 2026
December 13th – 14th: Carols at Hillsong (Hills Campus)
December 21st: Anointing service
December 24th and 25th: Christmas Eve and Day services
NSW Kids & Youth Summercamp January dates coming soon!
Young Adults Summerfest (NSW) returning to Wollongong, January dates coming soon!