Kids Program: We have a program for children aged 12 months - 12 years on Sunday mornings.
Parenting Room: Facilities available for mums and dads.
Service Times
5 Byfield St, Macquarie Park
Hillsong Macquarie Campus
In the life of our church
Kids Program: We have a program for children aged 12 months - 12 years on Sunday mornings.
Parenting Room: Facilities available for mums and dads.
We are Hillsong Youth and Young Adults, a movement of everyday young people who are living for the cause of Jesus Christ. We are shaping culture by being inclusive, authentic & generous. We are young & free, leading our generation into a youth revival.
To do this, we have incredible weekly gatherings on Friday nights and in small groups throughout the week.
Fridays at our Macqaurie Building:
Hang time from 6:30pm-7:00pm
Service runs from 7:00pm-9pm
Powerhouse: is the 18-25 year old community of Hillsong Church that meets every weekend at our services and every fortnight in our amazing connect groups.
If you want to connect with other young adults within the church, then Connects Groups are for you. We have multiple Powerhouse connect groups for you to get involved in.
Frontline: is the 25-35 year old community of Hillsong Church. We connect and gather weekly throughout the city through various connect groups and events.
If you have children 0-5 years and not yet attending school we would love to have you come and join us at our CityCare Playgroup.
We have craft, singing and toys! Come along and connect with other parents, grandparents, carers and guardians in your community.
Our Playgroup runs every Thursday, during term time, from 10am-11:30am at our venue.
We can't wait to meet you.
Our playgroups are registered with State Playgroup Organisations.
Hillsong Safe Church works alongside our staff and volunteer teams in the areas of Child Safety, Work Health and Safety, Food Safety and Transport Safety.
Through the outworking of the Safe Church Framework, Hillsong aims to reduce the risk of harm occurring to Hillsong-Related People. It is committed to a caring and appropriate response, should any suspicion, allegation, disclosure, or complaint of misconduct or abuse occur.
The Safe Church Office is staffed by personnel who have roles and responsibilities dedicated to the Safe Church objectives. Within the scope of their responsibilities, Head of Safe Church Office has been given authority to ensure effectiveness and integrity in handling reports of concerns or disclosures of harm.
Coming up in the life of Hillsong Church
What's next for you?
If you’re looking for ways to connect with others in our church, join a connect group, get Baptised, join our Alpha course, or would like to become more involved through serving, click the Get Connected button below or look for our Get Connected Corner in the foyer before and after the service on Sunday mornings. Our team will be happy to meet you and help you find your next step!
Your generosity helps to build the church and make a difference in the lives of people.