Night School Term 3 Launches – Wednesday, 7th August, 2024
Join A Local Course
Lead and Impact in Every Sphere of Life
In addition to the life-changing teaching you receive each week in church, why not map out your journey and choose courses available at a campus near you that will equip you for the specific exciting journey God has ahead for you in your personal growth, life, leadership and ministry.
View Our Online Courses
If you’re not available to join us on Wednesday nights or are wanting to try a course not offered locally, you can study online!
View the available courses on offer below.
Bible Courses
Get established in the essentials of the Bible and what it teaches us about life and ministry.
Leadership Courses
Live a life of influence. These courses are designed to train people to lead and impact every sphere of life.
Life Courses
Be better equipped to lead a successful life. These courses address the challenges of everyday life.
Creative Courses
For everyone who desires to create and those who create, these courses would equip you in your gifting and your calling.
We believe that the Bible is God's Word. It is accurate, authoritative and applicable to our every day lives
2 Timothy 3:16-17
The Night School Experience
It is our desire that every student might find the Night School experience to include: A sense of community, transformational teaching and encouragement of life & ministry application.
In Term 1, we are offering the life-changing Alpha course. All other courses will be delivered via an online communication platform (Zoom), and will include classroom chats with others from your local campus.