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Weekly Football Sessions for young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK


The Need

Every year, the UK sees between 3-4,000 unaccompanied minors seek asylum in the UK. These young people under 18 years have often travelled for months or years from various parts of the world, many have experienced some sort of trauma during their journey and coming to the UK are facing a unique set of needs and challenges, including isolation, lack of language skills and mental health issues.

41% of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children arriving to the UK are estimated to suffer from psychological issues, commonly PTSD, anxiety and depression


Health Needs Assessment – Unaccompanied children seeking asylum, Kent County Council, March 2016

The Why

These young refugees who are new to the UK often lack the network, language and/or confidence to access regular football sessions or teams. Football United was set up by Hillsong UK’s Refugee Response team and stands in the gap by providing a drop-in session where they can feel safe, included and work on their language and confidence levels.

The How

We work with trusted referral partners such a Phoenix Community Care, Local Authorities and accommodation providers. The sessions are run by professional coaches from Hillsong UK and local partners like Fulham Foundation FC and Spurs Foundation. We currently run two sessions in Croydon and Totttenham.

The Impact

Launched in December 2016, Football United has provided a safe space for over 1,000 young refugees, and currently has a weekly attendance of about 80-90 across our sessions every week.

<strong>Football Skills</strong>

Football Skills

At our drop in sessions we welcome all skills levels and our coaches help improve everyone’s football skills.



Our sessions provide a much needed community for young people new to the country.



The exercises, training and community will help young refugees develop their English



Young people have opportunities to access local teams, courses and tournaments by being part of our sessions



Through building friendships and skills, young people feel more confident in making life in the UK work.

<strong>Safe Space</strong>

Safe Space

The sessions are a safe space for young people to come, be themselves, have fun and forget about their challenges

Summer Training Camp

Every year we invest in 24 of our key participants from our weekly football sessions and provide a 3-day training programme  that helps them develop their football skills, mental health, set life goals and having a whole lot of great fun & food.

We believe that in these few days we can impact and help shape the future for these resilient refugee youth that have had to endure so much in their young lives.

Get Involved



Our sessions are run through the generosity and support of individuals and organisations. We are in constant need of funding for pitch hire, training material and kit & boots for the young people as they often arrive to the UK with next to nothing.



If you have coaching skills, experience in working with young people and can be a consistent volunteer in supporting unaccompanied minors, please get in touch via the link below.