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Join us for Easter Services Across the UK

We would love you to join us for our Easter services both online and across our UK locations this Easter, starting with our Online Service on Friday, April 15th at 9:00am.

40 Days of Deeper Devotion


——  HEBREWS 12:2-3 NIV

——  “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus,
——  the author and perfecter of our
——  faith, who for the joy set before
——  him endured the cross, scorning
——  its shame, and sat down at the
——  right hand of the throne of God.
——  Consider him who endured such
——  opposition from sinful men,
——  so that you will not grow weary
——  and lose heart.”


It’s really easy to celebrate Easter as a holiday, in passing. The chocolate eggs, the bunnies, the family gatherings, and church services all play a special part in this event on the Christian calendar.

But what if, this year, we didn’t just treat it like another event? What if, as a community, we prepared our hearts with 40 days of Deeper Devotion in the lead up?

A season of Lent has long been observed by followers of Christ and this year, we are going to join together in unity with believers around the world and focus on Jesus, His death and resurrection. Our hope is that we would see our church walk into Easter weekend with a renewed sense of spiritual health, a hunger for the Word of God, closer relationships with one another, and a deeper awe for what was accomplished on that hill in Calvary, thousands of years ago.

40 Days of Deeper Devotion is essentially a time to fast and pray. We invite you to remove something from your life that will help you to focus on Jesus — by removing a distraction we can fix our eyes more fully on Him. Or perhaps instead you’d like to add something — something that will draw you closer to the heart of God. There need be no sense of religious obligation, simply choose something that works for you, anything that will draw you in to deeper place with Him.

Add something for 40 days

Is there something you could add to your day that deepens your relationship with God and others?

  • Start a Bible reading plan
  • Do a daily prayer walk
  • Shout a stranger a coffee each day
  • Read a Easter/Lent devotional
  • Strike up daily conversations with your neighbours/co-workers
  • Start using a prayer/meditation app
  • Join or start a connect group
  • Wake up earlier each day to spend time with Jesus
  • FaceTime or call someone who is isolated or struggling
  • Write letters to a persecuted believer via Open Doors
  • Forgive someone who has hurt you
  • Start a gratitude journal
  • Host a weekly dinner with unsaved friends/family
  • Sit in silence for 15 mins each day
  • Sponsor a child through Compassion
  • Text someone each day something encouraging and thoughtful
  • Visit an elderly relative or friend


Remove something for 40 days

Is there a distraction in your day that you could remove?

  • Social media, TV/Netflix, Negative thought patterns, Video games

Is there something in your speech that you could change?

  • Gossip, Negativity

Is there a luxury you could go without?

  • Dessert, Coffee, Meat, Chocolate, Non-essential spending/shopping, Make-up, Take-away/delivered meals, Soft drinks, Snacking

Is there a habit you could break?

  • Negative thought patterns, Limit screen time (eg. no screens between 7pm – 7am), Indifference, Over-scheduling