Since The Water Came is a line we hear so often once a community receives access to safe water. When safe water comes to a community everything changes. Health improves, incomes rise, and children can go to school.
Since The Water Came means that waterborne diseases are a thing of the past. Safe water allows children to go to school and not have to spend their day on collecting water for their family. Through the water projects girls are safer and less likely to be a victim of violence and rape as they are no longer required to walk the treacherous route to the closest water source.
Over 80% of the population in Uganda lacks a safe place to go to the toilet and 60% need to travel more than 30 minutes to access safe water or get their water from an unprotected source.
Over 4,500 children under 5 die every year from diarrhoea caused by dirty water and poor toilets.
Our vision is to see each child and their community within our Compassion projects have access to safe, clean water.
Through the Since The Water Came projects, we currently have funded 18 water interventions, covering 31 projects that provide clean water to over 13,000 Compassion children, 60,000 of their caregivers/families and a total of 372,7420 community members.
Currently we are funding an intervention in the Karamoja region in North Eastern Uganda, providing 3 projects with clean, safe water.
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