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What is 200x200 about

One of the key areas we are believing to strengthen this year is our finances. One way we believe this will be possible, is to see 200 people join the community of already exisiting givers, those who want to be part of contributing to the running costs and mission of the church.
This 200×200 is an initiative with the goal to gather at least 200 people in our church, who want to contribute £200 each month. This will help create a financial foundation that would then enable us to meet our current commitments. And whilst we work towards establishing a strong financial foundation to move forward from, we will begin to sow in faith now. We will be sowing into other kingdom ministries, missionaries and churches to see His Kingdom advance, being confident that as we sow in generosity and faith, God will continue to provide our needs and increase our capacity of generosity.
If you decide to join the 200, one of our Pastors will get in contact to welcome and thank you for joining us. Each month you’ll receive information on your giving, how we’re using it in various locations and the outreach work to bless beyond others beyond our own walls. If you are interested in giving to our church, please fill out the form below.

How to participate?

With eyes of faith but anchored in reality, consider if this is a wise stewardship decision for you.

Seek God to see if He is asking you to take be part of this community of givers.

Once you have decided, please register for more information below.

See below how you can give and look out for monthly updates on your financial giving.

How you can give



Contribute online in under a minute by using your mobile number or email. It’s a fast and secure method to manage your giving conveniently.

Mobile App


Download the “Hillsong Give” App for iPhone or Android devices. Choose your location and select the specific initiative you wish to support.

Standing Order
or Bank Transfer

Establish a standing order or make a bank transfer with your bank using our provided banking details.

Account Name: Hillsong Church London
Account Number: 90013773
Sort Code: 20-74-71
Transaction Reference: Your Giving ID

What’s my Giving ID?

Sunday Service


You can also give in person using cash cheque, or contactless payment methods at any of our services. Offering envelopes are available in the foyers for your convenience.

Gift Aid

How to Claim Gift Aid

When you make a donation online or via our Giving App, we’ll guide you through the process of registering and claiming Gift Aid. For those who prefer giving through a standing order or bank transfer, we have provided an online declaration form, which can be accessed below.

Your Unique Giving ID

If you choose to contribute via bank transfer or by using an envelope during one of our weekend services, we’ll request that you create your personal 7-character Giving ID. You can craft this unique identifier using your initials, birthdate, or any combination of characters that suits you.

Subscribe to our monthly email

* indicates required

Hillsong Logo


35 Little Russell Street
London WC1A 2HH

+44 (0) 207 384 9200
[email protected]

Fundraising Regulator Logo

Hillsong Church UK is registered with the UK Fundraising Regulator
Charity Number 1120355