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Love Your Neighbour is a national network of churches, charities and other organisations working across towns and cities, to see people helped, communities rebuilt and to inspire a fresh movement of practical love for our neighbour.”

How you can Help

Contribute Financially

Just £50 can support a family in need and put food on the table for a week. Give a one-off donation or on going support

Volunteer at a Hub

We currently have 2 hubs running at Newcastle and Liverpool. We need help packing food hampers, assisting with deliveries, taking referral calls or facilitating training courses in financial education and career coaching


We are collecting non-perishable items to be included in the food parcels. You can donate food via an online delivery to one of our hubs, dropping off items at church on Sundays or by bringing items to one of our hubs.

Refer someone in need

If you're aware of a friend, family or someone you know who is in need of a food parcel, you can refer them here

How Can I Get Help?

Food Parcels

We are operating an emergency food bank. If you are in urgent need of food supplies please let us know by completing the form below.

Speak to a Pastor

We have pastors across the UK that would love to connect with you.


Job club:


Friendly, practical support to help you step confidently into employment.


Money Course:


This course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt.

Love Your Neighbour Hubs


Hillsong Church
Westgate Hall, Corporation Street
Newcastle NE4 5QD

Opening hours: Mon – Weds 9.30am – 5pm, + Weds 8-9pm


Hillsong Church
7 Mann Street Liverpool L8 5AF

Opening hours: Mon – Thurs 10-4pm

Find out more about the national #LoveYourNeighbour campaign

Hillsong Foundation UK

The Hillsong Foundation UK’s purpose is to enable and finance the Church’s mission. Our aim is to establish the Church in cities across the nation, offering a “Welcoming Home” for everyone to encounter God while actively embodying the teachings of Jesus, both locally and globally. We achieve this through our National Initiatives, Local Initiatives, and Social Impact Initiatives, collaborating with like-minded non-profit organisations in the UK and worldwide to bring awareness and aid to the vulnerable. 

Hillsong Logo


35 Little Russell Street
London WC1A 2HH

+44 (0) 207 384 9200

Fundraising Regulator Logo

Hillsong Church UK is registered with the UK Fundraising Regulator
Charity Number 1120355

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