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"The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters"

- Psalm 24:1 (NIV)

How We Participate in Giving

Tithes & Offerings

Tithes & Offerings

The principle of "first fruits" is explained throughout the Bible. God asks that we return 10% of all our increase to Him, thereby revealing a heart of trust in God as our provider and sustainer. Proverbs 3:9 says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops." In today's 21st-century context, this translates to tithing 10% of our income to the local church. This plays a vital role in sustaining the Church's day-to-day operations and essential aspects such as running and staffing costs, venue maintenance, administrative duties, and governance.

Hillsong Foundation UK

Hillsong Foundation UK

The Hillsong Foundation UK exists to facilitate and fund the mission of the church. To see the church continue to be established in our cities across the nation, providing a “welcome home” for all to encounter God, while being the hands and feet of Jesus both locally and globally. This is possible through our National Initiatives, Local Initiatives and Social Impact initiatives.

Heart for the House 

Heart for the House 

Heart for the House is an annual offering that goes beyond our regular giving. It provides an opportunity to make sacrificial contributions to the various initiatives of the Hillsong Foundation UK, directly impacting the lives of people within our church community and beyond and leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

The impact of your giving

Committed to making a positive difference

Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our community, our Newcastle Grocer has opened and is providing fresh produce and essential goods to families. With new members joining each week, we are excited to see the ongoing potential of how we can continue to sustainably serve our local community in this way. This initiative not only alleviates food insecurity but also fosters an environment that provides dignity to people and a hope for a better future. It’s a vibrant space and we’re grateful to have an opportunity to love on those in our Newcastle community. 

How You Can Give



Contribute online in under a minute by using your mobile number or email. It’s a fast and secure method to manage your giving conveniently.

Mobile App


Download the “Hillsong Give” App for iPhone or Android devices. Choose your location and select the specific initiative you wish to support.

Standing Order
or Bank Transfer

Establish a standing order or make a bank transfer with your bank using our provided banking details.

Account Name: Hillsong Church London
Account Number: 30211842
Sort Code: 20-74-71
Transaction Reference: Your Giving ID

What’s my Giving ID?

Sunday Service


You can also give in person using cash cheque, or contactless payment methods at any of our services. Offering envelopes are available in the foyers for your convenience.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a valuable initiative of the UK Government, allowing charities to receive an additional 25p for every £1 donated by UK taxpayers. This boost is achieved by reclaiming the basic rate of tax already paid on your donation. When you make a Gift Aid Declaration, the total value of your donation can increase, and it won’t incur any extra cost to you.

How to Claim Gift Aid

When you make a donation online or via our Giving App, we’ll guide you through the process of registering and claiming Gift Aid. For those who prefer giving through a standing order or bank transfer, we have provided an online declaration form, which can be accessed below.

Your Unique Giving ID

If you choose to contribute via bank transfer or by using an envelope during one of our weekend services, we’ll request that you create your personal 7-character Giving ID. You can craft this unique identifier using your initials, birthdate, or any combination of characters that suits you.

Hillsong Logo


35 Little Russell Street
London WC1A 2HH

+44 (0) 207 384 9200
[email protected]

Fundraising Regulator Logo

Hillsong Church UK is registered with the UK Fundraising Regulator
Charity Number 1120355